Special Unit 2
Special Unit 2
| 11 April 2001 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    jenny_claire-33619 Hi, enjoyed the series, just wish you could have done more seasons. Hope you do think of starting a new series.
    Danny Blankenship I had missed this series the first time around back in 2001 and 2002 when it ran originally on the UPN network. Over the last couple of years from time to time I've caught various episodes on the Sci Fi cable channel when they have ran day long marathons. Overall I must say that much of the plots and shows are campy and so unrealistic and unbelievable that they mostly are a silly drag. Still even if your a sci fiction fan still most episodes are a little enjoyable the way it's spiced and mixed up with tales of vampires, monsters, dreams, supernatural, and closet creatures.The setting is in the windy city of Chicago, IL it involves a police unit and each episode has it's focus on two detective partners the team of Nick O' Malley(Michael Landes)and Kate Benson(the attractive and cute Alexondra Lee). The detective team have good chemistry even though it's somewhat of a pain and not very likable that they have a sidekick friend that being a midget leprechaun! And episodes feature the chase of monsters and it involves supernatural occurrences. I even remember one episode where Kate(Alexondra Lee)has a damsel in distress scene as she is tied up and gagged along with two other females one being an African American the other an Asian chick. I must say really the best part of the show is the treat of seeing the attractiveness and nice beauty of Alexondra Lee certainly she's some sexy eye candy! Overall the show didn't last that long just about 19 episodes, as clearly the camp and far out annoying plots contributed to the show being fired. Still even for a sci fiction fan it's fantasy mixture is tasty enough to watch, still those are only appetizers the real treat and best reason to watch this show is the beautiful and cute attractive Alexondra Lee. I just wonder where Alexondra is I would love to see her in something again and I hope it's soon. Still catch some episodes of this sci fiction show if you can if anything Alexondra Lee will make your day!
    jimridgway A great concept gone wrong. Poor acting, even worse writing....After watching the first two episodes I was wondering why it ever made it to season two. The characters are forgettable, the writing is poor, the sets are just OK. The special effects are simply sad - so much better has been made in the same time-frame - where is the money going on this one? The first episode starts out interesting then goes downhill fast - the precept of the whole show is just silly. Now don't get me wrong, I am a huge Sci-Fi fan and 'geek' - but this show simply doesn't cut it. As I said in the beginning, I am truly surprised it made it to season two - so much better has been canceled after only one season (Jake 2.0 for example). This show was just bad.
    Rebecca Hupy (tweetybrdbeck) I loved this show! I would watch every episode, it was so GOOD! And the characters were great together. I like Carl the Nome, he was always funny and getting into something. It's to bad they canceled the show, I thought it was a great hit, and I miss. One of the many shows I watched and really liked, and by fact i don't watch TV much, because most all of it sucks. Everything is the same, but this show was different. I really really liked it. I give it a perfect 10.
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