Happy Hour
Happy Hour
NR | 07 September 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
    Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
    DKosty123 There is almost no sense that can be made of how this series got on. The shows I have seen are all terrible. If I wanted to see something not funny I'd watch my mother-in-law frisk her cat.The women in this look good. The guys are there. With so little & poorly written script, it is hard to tell if any of them have any talent. I'd say maybe not.They should send the writers who came up with this premise to prison. It should be as big a capital offense as my in-laws cat is after they cough up a hairball. This show is like a belch from a rotten vegetable- it repeats constantly until you cough up something.We should send these shows to Mars, as they are so bad we don't need to see them, hear them, or touch them. Happy Hour is the wrong name, this show should have been called Rest Room as I swear the scripts for these ought to be put into a deep septic tank.
    electricviolet6583 I was only able to catch a few of the shows this season. The time slot was destined for doom. But, I loved every second of it! The writing was quick and hilarious. The cast had amazing chemistry. The men were handsome and quite dynamic. Plus, that Beth Lacke was an absolute charmer! We need more ladies like this on TV. I really hope it hasn't been completely axed. I look forward to another chance for this show to shine. It doesn't seem fair to cancel it after 4 episodes while it was pitted against the office and grey's anatomy. It has all the potential. Now, it just needs the opportunity! I hope its not the last for all of these talented actors!
    Tenate9 Happy hour - Is the time when a Bar sells cheap liqueur and this is like it's namesake, very inexpensive comedy. It's a live action version of the late 50's Yogi bear cartoon. Lex Medlin who looks and acts like a pint-sized John Goodman -The know-it-all-Yogi and John Sloan who is playing the innocent big-eyed Booboo. Both are boring stereotypical characters in the Friends mode of big city comedy of manners torture that is the lame - hit all the 'demographics' comedy being written today. It has an nostalgic 1950's 'men in a bachelor pad' swinging style to it that unfortunately falls flat with all the extras set as one-dimensional 'dumb' characters that populate these two go-lucky-bachelors lives. Beth Lacke the central female protagonist between the two male Martini-drinkers is so badly written it's 'cringingly' bad and again is in the one-dimensional rabbit hole of characterization that is the epitome that is 'Friends' the stock 'dumb but fun' character writing - she is a heart-of-gold-idiot. Why couldn't any of the female characters have been sassy or bright ? There is even the park ranger out of Yogi played by Jamie Denbo again as a token bitter character that plagues the two 50's brat packers wannabes. The tips of the hat, the four o'clock martinis, the intro music, all whisper sophisticated 50's easy comedy yet this never gets close to the laid back charm/polish necessary to obtain it. Could have been more, so much more - it maybe has too much vermouth or not enough gin, or both. It is very dry and not in a good way, it leaves you feeling thirsty for some real edgy comedy.
    adamerica I was recently a member of the studio audience at a taping of the fourth episode; I also saw the pilot episode. This is a funny show, with several talented actors who embrace their roles. However, it is difficult to tell whether this will be popular enough to be picked up for a second season - I will say that from what I have seen, it is a definite possibility. The plot is fairly complex, although not too complicated for the average viewer to understand. It could probably be improved by trimming some of the excess drama surrounding the core action. I really believe, however, that some of the characters have great appeal - the Kramer of Seinfeld, for example. While the actors have had some experience in other roles, they are mostly unknown; they all appear to have real talent, and this is a possible hit for the fall of 2006.