Gimme Gimme Gimme
Gimme Gimme Gimme
| 08 January 1999 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
    SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    WakenPayne There are some good sitcoms out there. This isn't one of them. I just feel that James Dreyfus has literally one shtick and that's it. But don't worry, I also have many complaints with the show in general because I actually liked a show Dreyfus was in, The Thin Blue Line. However I don't see any redeeming feature when it comes to this show.Okay the plot is that Tom is a gay actor who's career is going nowhere despite his aspirations and Linda is his roommate that thinks she is drop-dead gorgeous despite that not being the case. Together they try and find a man while... I guess hijinx ensues.I think the idea of an actor going nowhere with his career could actually be a funny ongoing joke and something I see as being funnier then Tom just being gay... No seriously, that's his one joke. I think it could be funny if he had a Shatner ego on him and had the range of Tommy Wiseau. That way he couldn't learn and get some laughs at how terrible his character's acting is. But it's just that he's gay and that's it for the entire run of the show. That... could have been funny in 1999 but in terms of humour for me at least, this holds as much weight as a single feather.Oh and then there's Linda. Probably a top contender for one of the most annoying characters. There are parts that go on for about a quarter of the episode where she screams at the top of her lungs every line she has. I don't even think in bits like this that it's necessary and after a while just gets the reaction from me of "Oh my god SHUT UP!".The real thing is that I don't think it's entirely the actors' fault like James Dreyfus. For me he just seems to have a single shtick of acting effeminate and that's funny for some reason. I do feel that Kathy Burke fairs better but I really don't like the humour for this show and think that there are some ideas that are kept as background that I think tweaking it and putting it as the focus of a show would actually make it a lot better.
    wereallmadhere Well I think the person that left the comment saying gimme gimme gimme is crap needs their heads read. I hardly would put the cast in the same category as Johnny Depp and Tom Hanks. While the two are amazing, it's like comparing chalk and cheese.Kathy Burke is a hugely talented comedy actress. She's awesome at what she does and I don't think this Australian bozo has any right to slag her and her co-stars off.I would like to see the comment-leaver do better.It's obvious that he/she couldn't, otherwise they would find something better to do than sit on their a r s e at the computer complaining.
    CELLIOTT10 This is one of the best english television series ever to have been released. It's basically about Linda (Kathy Burke) and Tom (James Drefus) who are roomates. Linda is backwards, sex mad, disgusting and unemployed. Tom is an out of work actor who's gay, self obsessed and he like to think of himself as middle class. Each week is a different story about what happens to them. But this really is hillarious any one will like it apart from snotty prudes. Watch It.
    nix-13 What can I say? A great script with comical lines and superb acting. Although I only caught the last three episodes I quickly found myself hooked on this show. Kathy Burke does a great job as an overweight, sex-obsessed dimwit while James Dreyfus shines in his role as her gay flatmate. While I have not seen either of these actors in other roles previously, I will be keen to catch up on some of their other roles in the future. If you are the type of person who can be offended by the use of coarse language, or adult themes, then I suggest perhaps you give this show a miss but for those with a thick skin, I guarantee this show will give you plenty of laughs. I hope there will be more to come.