The Bob Newhart Show
The Bob Newhart Show
| 16 September 1972 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    drystyx Bob Newhart was one of the few stand up comics whose method has rarely been imitated.He began his career by being more of an actor, in essence, as part of a conversation, but the conversation would always take place on a telephone.The brilliance here is that his "straight man" could respond so matter-of-factly, and without outrage to the unheard voice on the other end of the phone, and the comedy was in realizing what the other person was saying.Most of his comedy on his famous "Button Down" album involved phone calls, such a with Abe Lincoln and Abner Doubleday.Here, he played off real people most of the time, but kept his usual straight routine. This meant that when he finally went home to his beautiful straight woman wife, the comedy would be from his explanations of his day, and from the intrusion of the lovable neighbor played by Bill Daily, who played the charismatic friend of astronaut Tony Nelson on another show.The comedy would flow very evenly, and then erupt with some hilarity usually based on something that happened earlier.His group therapy provided some great laughter, and foretold the success of later TV comedy "Dear John". In one show, his band of patients who met in group therapy found themselves characters in a play, written by a fellow member. At first, they hated the play, then after a production, they loved it.This was a very funny show, and very timeless.
    brandomarlon2003 I was a total addict of the 1970's "Bob Newhart Show". I used to watch it every night at 10pm on my local channel. I was still in high school and loved the show even though it was the 1990's and the show was drowned in 1970's atmosphere. I love the dimwitted Howard played by Bill Dailey. My fondest memory of the show was an episode where Bob was at the office and was getting ready to leave on an elevator. The door opens and unbeknownst to Bob, the elevator car isn't there. He almost falls and dies but clings to something and screams "Jerry, Carol!" The doors close and Jerry and Carol don't even realize what's going on. They keep their backs turned. CLASSIC EPISODE!!!
    charvana I loved this show as a kid (I was 10 in 1975)... it was a show that actually made sense to me (yeah, yeah, I watched all the other 70's shows too...). It was adult without being sexy (I hated that in TV shows... nothing's grosser than Marion & Howard getting "frisky")-- the characters were wry, the situations were plausibly ridiculous (?!?!?), and the writing was intelligent. I knew, even then, that there was a difference between intelligent humor and (gawd help us) pratfall humor (think: Jack Ritter), and what I preferred. I also dug that I "got" it, and that Bob was a nebbishy kind of guy, who stumbled along through life, really making it on his wits (certainly wasn't his good looks). Gave a geeky girl a certain hope for her future.
    Ekittyguru The Bob Newhart Show has been my favorite comedy ever since it first aired in the 1970's. I have probably seen every episode at least 3 times and this show never fails to make me laugh. More than that, it is comfort television at its best! I always feel better after watching "Bob". When I was in high school I suffered from generalized anxiety disorder and the only time I was able to stop worrying was each weeknight at 9:00PM during reruns of "The Bob Newhart Show". This show so throughly brought me into the wacky world of Bob and Emily Hartley that for those 30 minutes I was able to forget my worries. Even now, I still find "The Bob Newhart Show" to be an excellent cure for the blues or a bad day. I'm still waiting for this best of comedies to be brought out on DVD season by season!!