| 23 October 1998 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Jacomedi A Surprisingly Unforgettable Movie!
    Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
    Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
    Chantel Contreras It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
    TonyCamonte84 Somebody recommended 'Brimstone' to me. Unfortunately I can't remember who, otherwise I would go back to ask him what the hell he was thinking. The show about a cop who went to hell, but got back on earth to catch 113 escapees from hell, is quite dreadful. It is trashy with awful cinematography, typical trashy overused 90s soundtrack and terrible special effects. It's not really well-written, and a very formulaic episodic monster-of-the-week type show.Add to that a lot of rather bad actors and a so-and-so supernatural story, and what you get is a run-of-the-mill episodic TV show that can serve as a guilty pleasure, if you are able to tolerate a high amount of cringing and a heap of gaping plot holes. Every "twist" can be seen miles ahead, the characters are superficial at best, and still the show feels the need to spell out every single thing to the viewers, completely insulting their intelligence. If it was a movie it would star Michael Dudikoff.
    ctomvelu1 Veteran TV actor Peter Horton plays a detective returned from the dead who must track down certain souls for the devil, played by the wonderfully droll John Glover. Horton is a reluctant anti-hero. This supernatural show was only on the air for a very short time, unfortunately. Spedial effects are minimal, and that is just as well as the show is strongly focused on the very appealing Horton. Fans of SUPERNATURAL would certainly appreciate it. In a way, BRIMSTONE reminds me of FALLEN with Denzel Washington, and I have forgotten which came first (probably this show). Watch for it. I just caught up with it again on CHILLER.
    Solomani I just finished watching episode 13 of this show. I have to see I enjoyed the series very much. But I can see why it was cancelled. It had something missing - I cant put my finger on it - but an x-factor wasn't there.The stories were very good, the premise was excellent, the witty dialogue all good. But something was missing. And I think that something the writers finally hit on in episode 13. I have to say its the best of the lot. Its unfortunate that it was the last and the show wasn't giving a proper season to mature.It's another one of those shows with great potential that was never given the chance to shine...
    KoshNaranek Every so often, I re-watch my Brimstone tapes (of the Sci-Fi airings, since I didn't even know it existed when it was on FOX), and am amazed at just how good a show this is. It had a great pilot, great acting and excellent dialogue, and the cast had great chemistry together. In fact, I like every single aspect of this show (*including* Lori Petty). It's just too bad that it started out on FOX, especially FOX on Friday night.Maybe if we're lucky, one day, Warner Home Video will release it on DVD. Then, maybe I'll be able to see "Ashes" without the pixilation glitch that's in Sci-Fi's copy, and without the damn Sci-Fi popup ads., bugs, and squashed credits with voice-overs, and more people will be exposed to this fine show. With my luck though, Warners will have improperly stored the film, and it'll have the uncorrected film defects problems seen on their Babylon 5 DVDs (all of which I'm buying, BTW, if only for the extras).It's too bad Warners doesn't treat their shows better, and make their Season Sets as showpieces. That's what I'd want my Babylon 5, Crusade and Brimstone season sets to be, showpieces that would blow people's socks off.KoshN