In the Heat of the Night
In the Heat of the Night
| 06 March 1988 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
    SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
    SeeQuant Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction
    Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
    bkoganbing 21 years after Rod Steiger won an Academy Award as gum chewing police chief Bill Gillespie of Sparta Mississippi and Sidney Poitier told the world that in his city, THEY CALL ME MISTER TIBBS, the film was adapted into a successful television series about the new American South. If you remember in the film Rod Steiger has the murder of a rich northern industrialist on his hands and reluctantly uses the expertise of visiting homicide detective Sidney Poitier to solve the murder. Now years later, Virgil Tibbs formerly of the Philadelphia PD Homicide Squad and now played by Howard E. Rollins, Jr. has responded to an offer from Chief Gillespie. Gillespie is now Carroll O'Connor and has made a place for Tibbs on the Sparta, PD as a newly made detective. Rollins IS the Detective Division of the Sparta, PD.Because this show clicked so well these characters were fully developed over the seven year run of the series. We got to know everybody in the small town of Sparta, Mississippi and even the most minute characters were three dimensional, the writing on this show was so good. O'Connor alluded to his racist past and we saw a man in Chief Gillespie who was a work in progress. In the end he fell in love with black city council member Denise Nicholas. Rollins had to adjust too, things don't quite work the same way in Sparta, Mississippi as they do in Philadelphia. And I'm not speaking necessarily of racial attitudes. Alan Autry played Bubba Skinner and he was something of a protégé of O'Connor's and he thought he ought to have been the detective. He was not a stupid guy either by any means. He and Rollins gradually developed a working relationship over the course of the show.Gunsmoke was the first show to put the main characters within the context of the town they lived in. Beyond James Arness and the other principal cast members, Dodge City had a nice group of recurring regular citizens. That was nothing though like Sparta, Mississippi. Watching In The Heat Of The Night was like taking residence in that town for an hour each week.In The Heat Of The Night was television series at its best, sad that it came to an end because of the health and other problems of its two lead cast members. It could still be running today.
    urfriend I began watching this series shortly after it first appeared, and was grateful that it continued on in syndication for so long. I still watch any time I see it appear in a newspaper listing. I agree wholeheartedly with the 2 other comments I have read here on this site, and am glad to be given the opportunity to add to what is apparently consistent praise for the work done by the writers, directors, casting personnel, and the cast members themselves. Having had some limited law-enforcement experience, I can say that I have a deep appreciation for the character portrayed by Carrol O'Connor, not only for the quality of his performance as an actor, but for bringing us the very human side of law-enforcement officers everywhere, especially those in supervisory positions. It is the often conflicted needs of the duty-bound versus that very human element that was what brought us to the edge of our seats in these very well-written episodes, time and again, and yet humor was not forgotten as we shared in these peoples daily lives. I could go on for hours, but I will conclude only by saying, I miss it, sorely. I would be grateful to be notified at any time of any opportunity to purchase this series on VHF or DVD. While it is true, that I have enjoyed much of it in syndication ("re-runs") I am also aware that there are many episodes I have not seen, as I was traveling a great deal, and working odd hours during its "prime-time showings. I only just discovered this site, after having searched "Amazon" thoroughly and not found it. Again, thank you for letting me put my "two cents" in! Urfriend
    vama I watch this show every chance I get. Acting is superb by all. I have no complaints with any aspect of this show. Opening music is sensual and delicious, and sets the stage for some good old southern intrigue, mystery and once in awhile romance.Most pleasant is the way they throw you off the track, always keep you guessing as to ..who done it.. There is some racial tension-- although not to offensive.. It is usually resolved in a satisfactory manner..... A gentle reminder to us all to be fair and open-minded. No nudity or profanity, a nice change from todays stuff. A must watch....
    Diamond UK How often have you seen them take a movie and try and turn it into a TV series? Moreover how many times has that series been just about the worse thing you've ever watched? ...Well forget it all those pass worries when you see in the heat of the night. This truly is a wonderful TV show. All the main characters are very warm.The only criticism I have of the show it that in many episodes the audience are misleaded. We see a killer for example act naturally surprised when someone informs him of the death of his victims for example. So you exclude him from your list of suspects.But apart from that, a very nice TV show. At this moment I just can't think of a better movie to TV conversion.
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