Killer Wave
Killer Wave
TV-14 | 10 January 2007 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    zee ...this may have the worst science. (And that takes some doing!) Nothing in here makes sense, but I'd be willing to watch it anyway, despite the one-dimensional characters and non-science, but it falls apart even taken on its own terms. I'll pick out various problems, in no particular order:There are deadly dull moments, far too many of them for the genre. Nobody coordinated accents, so while it seems it might be taking place in Canada most times (it's not supposed to be, but the news reporter they keep flashing to in cliché shots is clearly Canadian), every accent was different than every other one. Hire a dialog coach! You know a "thriller" movie has lost you when you start thinking "Why am I watching Tom Skerritt peel a tangerine, and why can't he peel faster?" And some of the cuts and angles on faces are very weird--did they think that would disguise that we were watching five minutes of talking heads? Why did the hero wander through a crowd of policemen holding his photo just to say "hi" to a neighbor and immediately leave? Am I supposed to think that's drama? And what were the goofy villains' goals? Never did catch that.I fell asleep at minute 160 or so, and I have no desire to go back and catch the last 15.
    Claudio Carvalho The scientist and novelist John McAdams (Angus Macfadyen) is summoned to an emergency meeting of scientists at the Preston Point Institute to discuss a tsunami that has hit the Southern New Jersey Shore. Eight years ago, John created man-made tidal waves with his Sea Lion Project; during the experiments, his beloved wife Ann had died and he quit working as scientist. Now the scientists discuss the possibility of a terrorist attack. When John returns home, he finds that someone has planted a file in his computer with classified information to incriminate him since he had written a sci-fi novel about terrorists using tidal waves to destroy the USA. When a second tsunami reaches the Maine, John becomes the prime suspect and is chased by the FBI and the police. Meanwhile he investigates the events with his former colleague and friend Sophie Marleau (Karine Vanasse) and when he follows the money, he discloses a huge conspiracy with economical interests of the Camtrell Corporation to construct the Sea Wall defense system to protect the American coast. "Killer Wave" is a TV Mini-Series with a reasonable story that could have been better and better with minor improvements. The writers were lazy and the direction was loose. (1) John McAdams is a non-charismatic character and the fat Angus Macfadyen gives the sensation that is bored and without any motivation to act. Therefore Angus Macfadyen is miscast. (2) Stanley Schiff, performed by Christopher Heyerdahl, seems to be a moron but never a scientist with his behavior. This character should have been better developed. (3) The two FBI agents seem to be independent agents and never report their findings to a chief. (4) The pace is too slow and emotionless. Edgar's speech, for example, is too long and dull. (5) In the final sequence, there are at least three mercenaries protecting Edgar Powell and Aslan Bulkari that shoot the two FBI agents that escape using the elevator. Pretty after, Sophie runs through the corridors and there are no killers anymore that vanish. (6) There are very few characters for a conspiracy of that size probably due to budget restraint. (7) The story is predictable and the conclusion is very disappointing. My vote is five.Title (Brazil): "Maremoto" ("Tidal Wave")
    skatelikehelltoyrules Killer Wave opens with a huge wave coming at some kids on the beach while they scream and run. Then the film gets a boring start for 10 minutes with not one comedic line or interesting piece of material. Then it gets good. From there it kept me interested the whole way through. So a male and female scientists whose names escapes me is on the run from two nosy FBI agents, terrorists, violent she males and GIANT waves badly created with terrible CGI effects.And this is not a kids movie no matter what it may seem. There's a part where a guy kills his wife then himself. And there's a graphic kill scene of a woman.
    meerende This is a very slow movie, i can not understand that some people give this movie a 10... ??? I think those people never saw a movie before.It's a lot of talking and no action. Even Angus Macfadyen is loosing his grip and can not save the movie for going down the hill. I've seen other movies with Angus, like BraveHeart, in that movie he was acting sublime. The most actors where performing worse and they could not amuse me.Also the special effects, where cheap, can anyone remember Dr. Who ? The special effects in that series were better. In the first part, when they go up to the wave in a boat, nice trying but bad steeling from the movie "A Perfect Storm".The second part, give me a break... i took it "i fell a sleep".Don't spent your precious time on it, do something good with it !!!