Alistair MacLean's Air Force One Is Down
Alistair MacLean's Air Force One Is Down
TV-PG | 07 July 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
    Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
    Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
    Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
    skinhead-5 After only getting five minutes into the film you just knew it was a one of those megaflop "Mockbuster" movies. The whole thing must of been done on a budget of about £6.00 and a few milk tokens. The whole thing was so awful but I turned it off after thirty minutes due to the absolute rubbish acting and poor special effects that looked like they were done by a child or the SXF of Dr Who in the 1960's. It cost me £5 in the local supermarket but it wasn't even worth that. Simply ignore buying it and pay the extra and watch the proper Air Force One with good old Harrison!
    alizab1 First of all, it looks suspiciously like a remake of "Air Force One", but with a female president (in 2013). I have no recollection of an Alistair Maclean novel entitled "Air Force One Is Down", and I believe I have read them all. Could that not be the original title?A good mini series. Makes you wander, is that really possible?
    ardanny19 I'm sure Cilla Ware had put her effort in making Alistair Maclean's classic novel to life. This novel by Maclean have a very simple, classic storyline. It has a similar plot to the Air Force One starring Harrison Ford, but again, simplified.It all starts with the capture of a Serbian general, his admittance to a highly secured prison, the hijacking (in this film: the crashing) of Air Force One, and the demand to release the general in exchange for the President's life. I personally like the Air Force One better than this, because the way they infiltrated the plane is way better. Maclean only use sleeping gas which were easily slipped on board by some poker faced, unimportant maintenance technician. But then again, Maclean wrote this novel in 1981, not many ideas back then I guess (I prefer Where Eagles Dare, it suits the era better).The cast is good, you'll recognize many faces. It's good to see Emilie de Ravin again, in this movie play a feisty reporter who turns out to be a CIA operative, turns out to be an FSB agent. Yep, that's the plot twist I like the most...The most disappointing thing about this movie is they took many scenes from the Air Force One. I can easily recognize the scene when the plane flying above showing its underside, the scene when the plane lands (with military jeeps running alongside the runway), and when the plane is flying with F16's escort.It's a decent movie to kill your time. Just don't expect much.
    Stuart Greif The production has precious little to do with the novel other than stealing its name. There is an element of those serials I'd watch as a boy either on early USA TV or on Saturdays at the "kiddie show." Somehow, the heroes and heroine are miraculously saved at the last minute and somehow the cartoonish evil Serb psychopaths never decide to kill them any of them when re-captured for the umpteenth time. There is also the use, quite inexplicably, of archaic flashback to explain how a rescue was carried out. And this is no quality, entertaining Quentin Tarantino flashback, far from it. The movie seems to go on forever with Byzantine sub-plots.The mini-series also dropped a clanger when the victims of a Serb massacre, buried in what is a Bosnian Muslim cemetery, are revealed to have been Croats who are virtually all Roman Catholics, whose psychopathic kin in the Ustasa had murdered Serbs, Jews, Roma between 1941 and 1945.So, why did I give it a 6? Answer: the mini-series movie is worth a 0, but the reminder to a new generation just what dangerous psychopaths these Serbs are, the people who started World War One, is worth a 6.
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