Mountain Monsters
Mountain Monsters
| 22 June 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    CommentsXp Best movie ever!
    Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
    Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
    Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
    jlthornb51 A riveting series that unflinchingly records the exploits of the AIMS team as they courageously crusade for the truth. These men are the sort of Americans that will indeed make America great again. They defy the so-called experts of the scientific community, the types supported by Washington tax payer money, and through private enterprise they expose the truth time and again. This program represents all that is magnificent in America but which has been suppressed by mass media and intellectual elites. At last the American people are on their feet and demanding their country back and the men of the AIMS are on the front lines of that battle.
    lewisoruk i love this show but, i wanna join them because i'm a hunter. And i hunt beasts in UK but, I'm only 16. i hope the trapper comes back to the show. hope you get better soon i always pray for you at all time. when i went to the USA i swear down i heard the grafton monster roar it terrified me for a week. And i never back out hunting at my uncles.
    jbgravel Not sure where I should even start? I thought in the beginning I was gonna watch some sort of a quality show with these crazy hillbillies but I soon figured out you are either going to be seriously disappointed if you expected actual sightings instead you have to take it with a grain of salt and take it for what it is. It's going to make you laugh just how the show goes and how they must think we just crawled out of a cave if they expect the viewers to believe the stuff we are watching is suppose to be real. Well may be for a young kid other than that it's phony as a three dollars bill but you will laugh at what these guys do. They won't be making on the big screen anytime soon. Enjoy haha
    Kathy This show is obviously fake, but I laugh all the time watching it! It's a wonder they don't shoot each other every episode! Can you imagine these yahoos really running around in the woods and having to climb any kind of steep hills? I feel so sorry for that little jeep when they all pile in and drive into the woods. The wheels bow out from the weight. I love it when they see a picture, video or recording and they make so much noise you can't hear any sounds. Who on earth goes into the dark woods wearing flashlight headlights to go hunting? They make so much noise, nothing is going to hang around for them to find them. Now we have a conspiracy theory with people who are hunting them and who can dig up background information that's supposedly either sealed or has never been reported. This is better than Mission Impossible! Have fun watching, but don't take it seriously!