TV-PG | 31 October 2007 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
    Sameeha Pugh It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
    robbyandtiffany Some of the shows can be explained like the Chupacabra, I have shot manged out coyotes that look just like that.. I live in the woods, and have seen 2 unexplainable things.. Not crazy or far out "not bigfoot" just unexplainable... Anyway, I Love the show, and big foot!!! Hook me up at that Snow Grove Lake cabin for a whole year!!! I don't need much of anything, a good camcorder, and a very few odds and end things... I can live off the land year around... I'll find it, and get SOME kinda proof for ya... If it, or anything else is around... Heck i'll even do any of the work ya want done to the cabin, inside or out for FREE... DREAM place for me to live for a lifetime, but a year would do I guess, no joke send me now :)
    SdSd City I notice that when I selected "one" vote out of ten for this show, the good people at IMDb included the word "awful" in brackets beside the number one. My guess is they must have seen this show too.Cheap shots aside, this show is best described in it's own words as as a search for monsters by using science. Except that this show is to science what porn is to family values. Let me explain.First things first let's look at how science searches for monsters on this show. It's pretty special to say the least. My favorite part is the casting. Basically there are three main character types, and each is worth a snapshot description. First there are the "witnesses": no casting agency could have come close to producing a more yokel worthy lot. Even the ones that clearly aren't inbred, still manage to somehow convince you that they see strange shapes in their toast.Next come the scientists: with very few exceptions the majority are on the show payroll and therefore turn up again and again. I will say this much, if this is the best science has to offer, i'm going back to steering clear of the edge of this very flat earth we're on. These rejects range from being soft touches to being even softer touches. I can't do justice to how embarrassing these noneties really are. Once in every while a genuine, bona fide, and objective analyst somehow manages to get a word in. And I'm not exaggerating when I say a word. Their air time is short and edited to ensure that it either sounds unfinished or uncertain - or is a lead in to someone certifiable.And last of all, holding the whole thing together are the cryptozoologists. Well the best I can say here is combine the characteristics of the two types mentioned above and you get the picture. Like most crypto/pseudo/conspiratorially minded "independant" researchers - this lot all come with a self fulfilling mission in life. They also always like to be interviewed with stuffed creatures behind them.As for how the show's put together, it's pure genius. In terms of how to blow smoke without lighting a cigarette anyway. The basic drill is lots of dramatic music, lots of cliff-hanger sequences, dead end searches and a narrator who will stop at nothing to try and make something out of nothing. The end result is nearly forty episodes made up of people mumbling about what they're "sure they saw". And the thousand worst photos ever taken of anything in history. And finally, not a single conclusive finding.Please watch this show. It's proof that monsters not only don't exist, but that if they did - they'd immediately go into hiding when this welcome party turned up.
    premanandr I watched every one of this show with expectation that they will find something. Every show ends with the same result. They couldn't capture any real evidence of any monster. All they find at the end of the show is some stupid clues that can't provide any real conclusions. This show is just a mockery of viewers and science. In every show they get tens of people talking about the monsters. I think even those people are paid by the show producers. The funny thing is that, everyone except the monster quest crew seem to come across the monster. And for some reason, the crew never gets any real photos/videos of the monster.In one of the show, crew sets up cameras to film the monster. In each location, they put up a pole and scent of a coyote to attract the monster. The next day morning they show that one of the pole was scratched. The conclude that it must be a giant monster since none of the claws match the size of the scratch. Now, I was expecting that the video they setup will reveal the monster. And they start showing videos of every pole and except the one pole where monster scratched. The video camera didn't capture the one and only useful pole.. The reason? Some random technical failure. Bull Crap !. This show is complete joke !And the funny thing is that, in every show they find some parts of the monster and do a DNA test. The result of DNA test is that, it doesn't match with anything living. So, they conclude that it is some variation of the living species. They have never filmed any real monster. And complete mockery of the science and viewers watching it.
    dreamviewscs I've watched just about every episode of this show, missing only two I believe, and I must say that, unlike the reviews I've read before, I give this show a high rating - not because of some inner belief in Bigfoot or crazed notion of reptile/human hybrids, but because of what the show offers - entertainment and the hope for an unknown world.As a student of philosophy and mathematics, I can say one thing - On the occasion that I don't 'know-it-all' I'm quick to find it out, one way or the other. It's a safe assumption to make that if there's a new technology out there or a more efficient method of this or that, I'll be there to take it apart and figure it all out. . . but it is nice to think, if even for a fleeting moment, that there are some things that I cannot know by logic or formula. It's nice to believe that, though there's no empirical evidence for something, it may still exist.This is what this show offers me, and perhaps to others. I spend a good portion of my day logically analyzing actions or speech, and I find relaxation difficult to attain, as soap operas or sitcoms become overdone or wacky... but here is a show that retains some measure of a scientific method, but seeks to find that which cannot be found. And while others may judge and make fun, I think that a show like MonsterQuest is a far better way to unwind and relax then watching something dug up from the primordial soup like 'Desperate Housewives' or 'MadTV.' In summation, it's nice to escape to an almost Lovecraftian level and entertain the idea that perhaps our inquiries are not perfect - perhaps we can't know everything - and perhaps, just maybe, there are some things that exist outside the realms of the Known world.