Destination Truth
Destination Truth
| 06 June 2007 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    GamerTab That was an excellent one.
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
    Bruce Wilner I find Destination Truth to be profoundly disappointing. My first complaint is that they must be addressing an audience of ignorami, as the lion's share of the "little-known mysteries" that they examine are quite well known among fans of cryptozoology or paranormal (e.g., haunting) phenomena. I find the main guy, Josh, to be overwhelmingly arrogant and pseudo-knowledgeable: I'm not sure whether it's his mispronunciation of words that's more annoying to me than his corrupted citations of almost-facts. The specialty of the show is what I term the "red herring cliffhanger": we are introduced to a "Holy cow!" situation that introduces--guess what--a COMMERCIAL and is immediately followed by a letdown. The attempts at detecting evidence of, say, ghostly phenomena are about as childish as, "Whoa, did you see that?" "O.K., guys, I'm getting creeped out," "Oh, it just got colder in here," and that old standard, "Did someone or something just touch me?" The simulated, nonsensical terror--ALWAYS dispelled and resulting in a zero-lessons-learned mission--reminds one (and this is FAR from a compliment) of "The Blair Witch Project" with a touch of bachelor's-degree-level biology or ecology.
    scottgilesmusic-1 A romping travelogue full of fun facts, comedic turns and the occasional monster! And who doesn't love monsters?! The fist two or three episodes are a little rough, with the intrepid host coming off a little more mean- spirited than he ever does again but after these initial tender attempts the show takes off just fine, finding its unique voice.If anything, Destination Truth is a kind of hip Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom. So do they ever find anything? Well, that would be telling. Lets just say that some things remain undiscovered simply because nobody seriously looked for them.And you should look for this show. You'll enjoy it. And mysteriously, for all its cleverness and adventure, it is somehow very comforting.
    firepants49343 My biggest problem with this is the high and mighty attitude that the host has. "I here for the truth!" he announces with each episode. The problem is the truth better come out in the one night they spend researching a case. I can see coming into an area and doing the research with a healthy dose of skepticism, but they basically clown around, making more fun of the locals than anything, then spending only 8 hours or so doing any actual research. They NEVER find anything, but they certainly do a lot of running around chasing the illusive whatever they are hunting that week. Then as soon as day breaks, no matter how close they were to getting some real answers, they pack up and head out. It takes them longer to get there than to investigate. Plus my biggest issue with this show and with Ghosthunters is all of the stuff that they both claim to see and hear, but by the time the cameraman points in the right direction its gone. The cameras worn by the team are a great idea, but I didn't tune in to see your damn faces! TURN THE DAMN CAMERAS AROUND! Let us see what you see, when you see it! I know what you look like, and I prefer not to see you up close!
    fisk14 It's entertaining on some levels but what it sparks in me the most is that I learn about local myths around the world and I begin to read up on them. If you watch the show, use it as a starting point to read and learn about local legends and myths that you never knew was out there (if you're into this stuff and care to look it up for yourself). It's amazing how myths spring up all over the world and have similarities no matter the people, culture, location, or even the number of skeptics; it's all connected in some way and I find that very interesting seeing how so many people notice differences in all races and cultures but ignore the similarities in our origins. I never expect these guys to find anything but I like the show. peace