Paranormal Survivor
Paranormal Survivor
TV-14 | 29 May 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
    Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
    Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    coffeelover-55230 This show is beyond fake. Everyone even the "survivors" are actors. I love how no matter where these survivors are from, they all sound like they are from Canada. And the show is based in Canada. Ironic. I'm so angry that I spent 4 hours of my life watching this show before I noticed the similarities. And they even used the same houses for different episodes. This is low budget. And I can't imagine how this show passes off as being a reality show. They just think the American public is dumb as a pile of dead bugs. And that's pretty ridiculous in and of itself. And personally I'd rather stare at that than watch another episode of this show.
    bs-33435 This is your standard TV ghost story show that, unfortunately, tells the same story over and over again, but there is something I love about this show (more on that later). People are "interviewed" about what they experienced, actors reenact events. After a while you realize the interviewees are actors too, which takes away from it. Also, the interviewees seem to be better actors than the ones doing the reenactments, oddly enough. Although it's not hard to see why, they are not bad, they are mind blowingly bad. I feel like the director just sits off camera yelling "look scared!" All day while filming, because that's the level of interaction you get. But what's great? 1 thing. There's an episode in season 1 where a gay couple is being haunted. As I watched I stopped it several times to point out to my wife that the re-enactment actors didn't resemble their counterparts at all...and then I realized I had it switched, THIS WAS THE BEST / WORST THINV IVE EVER SEEN! Literally one guy is bearded with glasses representing a short bald heavy set guy. You have to see it to believe it. And be faded when you do, it'll save your life. It's so, so funny. Gay haunted couple gets a star. Otherwise, crap show.
    jessierollins-60930 Fake and/or bad but I love to watch it. Very similar to those ghost hunting shows where they always say "just as we turned the camera off", at least in the first season, but this is exactly what I personally wanted/was looking for.
    mdkocal I am amused by people's ghost stories. This program uses dramatizations to portray a personal experience, and "paranormal experts" that validate them somehow. I get the sense that a lot of the people are seeking attention. Of course, these are all fictional accounts of people that have either convinced themselves they experienced a paranormal event, made it up completely, or exaggerated a creepy moment or feeling. For all the accounts where paranormal investigators looked into a "haunting" and are interviewed, it's pretty clear it's phony when they claim there were strange things going on, but they don't have any evidence - which obviously is what any skeptic would expect. This is more or less how all these shows are, and even when so-called evidence is shown, it's at best a strange phenomenon and not proof of ghosts or demons. People carry all types of energy, feelings, experiences and superstitions, and psychologically, many factors contribute to these events, but they are not hauntings. If you watch, do it for entertainment purposes.