Most Haunted
Most Haunted
| 25 May 2002 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
    Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
    Benas Mcloughlin Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
    Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    pwikiruk I really like this show,, EXCEPT for Yvette's female screaming sidekicks. Get rid of those women!!!! If they are not prepared for some paranormal events, then stay off the show! Yvette should know if these bimbos are right for the show or kick them off. It does not make for good viewing and I am sure that the shrilling screams do not enhance viewers opinion of her show.
    jlcrelly Even though I am a complete skeptic regarding ghosts, I have watched this show for years, probably since it was first broadcast in the UK. I especially like watching the episodes that take place in abandoned or empty buildings such as old cinemas.One thing I find most bemusing is, despite being professional ghost hunters, is how much screaming takes place, especially from Yvette, who leads the ghost hunt. Without fail, during each episode at some stage, especially when they are using night vision and little can be seen, something will happen, usually off screen and Yvette will begin screaming and running away. This will generally initiate a general five minutes of mayhem, with the rest of the crew joining in the panic. After over 13 years of ghost hunting, you would think that Yvette has hardened up a bit and not run at the first sign of a ghost actually showing up. The poor ghosts must be so confused. They are asked to show a sign and then when they do, everyone runs away.
    lyndatompkinson303 I just wish Yvette would keep quiet when other people are talking, you have a expert trying to speak to the spirits, she just has to but in. Someone needs to tell her she is not a star she's the presenter and nothing more she's not an expert so just leave it to the people who know what they are doing. All my friends feel the same it puts you off the program and that's a shame because the program is good most of the time. so will someone just shut her up. Where do you get all your information from re the hauntings? I have not seen Derek for a while has he left the program? Why do the remaining staff scream a lot of the time if they are frightened can't you get staff that aren't I'm sure there are plenty out there that would not get so uptight about it all.
    phrixion I've watched all of the episodes of all 3 shows to current date and here's my breakdown.Most Haunted - highly theatrical, dramatic and genuinely fake at times. But they visit some great locations. The host and medium from the first season are fine for the full first season and the Unseen episodes as well. However, after the first season it is quite the task to keep up with the squealing and crying of the main host and the sometimes genuinely fake and theatrical psychic. The sane people on the show is the director of investigations and the various parapsychologists. This show is purely for entertainment, and wishy washy at that. It's a shame, the best parts of the show is during the lights out investigations and they are truly investigating. Some episodes from each season are worth watching as they visit all these great locations, as the show doesn't emphasis anything really but the mediums, using the ouiji board and history of the location. But sometimes even the history is almost difficult to believe as they don't name their sources and the mediums get them almost every time, clearly a setup and gimmick for the show. This show is currently on the travel channel in the US. I highly recommend visiting the TV shows episodes website and watch them by highest rating.