Scariest Places on Earth
Scariest Places on Earth
| 23 October 2000 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Console best movie i've ever seen.
    Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
    the_wolf_imdb Sorry guys. I know it is very hard to make a decent scary show if all you have is a couple of photos with a flash blips on dust particles, but this is unwatchable. The fundamental problem is that the editor is on meth. I mean A LOT of meth. The cuts are usually faster than one second, sometimes many cuts in less than a second! It has the dynamics of music video or a couple of movie previews mixed together.One thing is to observe "paranormal investigators" who are usually very ugly fat white people with as weak flashlights as possible and with some devices that are supposed to measure something. It is an interesting psychological study: The leader shows them a texture on the wood saying "you can see a demon face here" - and they start to scream. Well, in Rorschach test you can see all the crap you could possibly imagine! This actually has some qualities of, say, home video or of a very cheap horror flick like Paranormal Activity.But the editing fueled by a lot of meth makes this mixture of random scenes, previews, insane cuts and who knows what else really really unwatchable. Maybe if you adjust your mental speed with some massive load of stimulants you can actually keep with ultra fast edits.It is really a shame. More capable filmmakers with better scripts and drug free editor could actually take the same stories and make them at least watchable. Unfortunately many stories are explained very poorly and have no conclusion at all. In the end all you can see is a epileptic freakshow of ultra fast edits. Horrible!
    cativera_usmc I think a good idea for the show the scariest places on earth,would be to have some individuals that have been places and seen some weird stuff.I think that with the publicity of the military that some Marines should be put on the show.The military is supposed to be brave ,well let's let them try and prove it.Some Marines like myself and my friends watching this show.My friends and my self have been to Iraq,i personally think we would do better than the individuals that are on this show.We have recently seen the episode from the castle ,the people just seemed like they were faking a lot of stuff,but maybe not,I would like to find out for myself.
    Paddywelshman I caught this show on the reruns and could not believe what I was seeing. Being involved in film and a part-time paranormal investigator I found this show an insult. An insult to any serious Paranormal Investigator and an insult to anybody with an IQ over 20.Knowing how television is made I could see all the old tricks prop masters have used over the years. Stupid face cameras with lights on them shinning directly into the victims faces, so their eyes cannot adjust to the darkness.(An old trick)The adding of a Newcastle radio DJ who cries "Murder, death, evil!" and passes himself off a informative person. He is there to wind up the families, g them up for the night ahead and plant the seed of fear.Cheap editing is the only thing stopping the viewing audience not seeing the crew banging and pushing things over.It promised much and delivered very little. Check out Most Haunted it is much slicker and probably has half the budget.This puts the field of Paranormal Investigation into game show mode. A crying shame. Wonder weather it was worth those two priests saving young Linda Blair in the Exorcist. I think not!
    adrian2umortal OK so Blair Witch Mania is running wild in the late 1990s. You have a successfull Indie Movie making millions at both Art House and Main Stream Movie Houses around the globe. So now how do you top this madness off ? By making a tv show based on the concepted storyline, only this time use real people instead of actors and real locations that are haunted. Fox Family Channel debuted this series with a Halloween Special that eventually went on to churn out several episodes. Scariest Places was hosted by Linda Blair of The Exorcist 1 and 2. The narrator was Zelda Rubenstien of the Poltergiest Trilogy. This show covered several American locations and European locations as well. Most of the European locations were located in The United Kingdom including Chillingham Castle which became a fan favorite location of the show. Fox TV dared and paid 2 families of 5 people to go and determine if Chillingham was indeed haunted. Well as it turned out "YES" this Castle was indeed very haunted ! Both families failed to complete the challenge because one or more family members were just too plain scared to finish what they started. This show was great in it's initial run but was at the same time being ripped off by a copy cat show called FEAR. This Mtv show had the same storyline challenge only with a financial incentive of $10'000.00 to the surviving team members. FEAR and Scariest Places garnered a small following of fans both abroad and on the internet. Fox Family Channel by the turn of the century was bought out by ABC TV who is in turn owned by Disney. Disney being family friendly canned this show in 2001. There were a few designated replays of the show on Family Channel but that was just to finish out the obligations to the creators of the show. Today this shows' video tapes sits in the vault somewhere at Family Channel Studios collecting dust and waiting to be released on DVD uncut uncensored and unedited. But knowing Michael Eisner and Disney that ain't never going to happen.