TV-MA | 22 October 2006 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    GamerTab That was an excellent one.
    SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
    AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
    saebaby86 Truth be told, I haven't watched the Doctor Who series, so I'm not sure if that show is similar to Torchwood. I do know that Torchwood is a spin-off. That being said, I watched the first season and the fourth season. A few episodes into the second season, I stopped watching because it was boring. A few of the episodes made me wonder if I skipped an episode in between. I'm really not sure how else I can explain why I didn't enjoy the entire series.Redeeming factor: Miracle Day! I was hooked after the first episode. I already loved John Barrowman but adding Alexa Havins, Mekhi Phifer, and Bill Pullman to the cast was gold. The plot was better than the previous seasons (mind you, I skipped most of season two and all of season three). I'm glad I sucked it up and watched the final season.
    hoytyhoyty Torchwood is such a disappointment.The first series had about 4 good episodes.Here they are:Everything Changes - because it's the first ep and They Keep Killing Suzie depends on it.Ghost Machine - this gave me hope that most of the series might be like this episode. But it wasn't.Countrycide - very clever I thought, particularly as the output turned out NOT to be a spacey/alien thing, it was homicidal yokels instead. Pure slipstream, and again it promised great things. These great things never arrived.They Keep Killing Suzie - really had me gripped and I thought the plot was rather clever. But, like The Talons Of Weng Chiang was for Doctor Who, it was the last good Torchwood episode ever made.Everything that followed. Every single episode. Every season. Was pure, atrocious crap.In answer to the homophobes... you don't need to be homophobic to be gratingly annoyed by all the gay and bisexual filler. Apart from just an undue drawing of attention to sex - oooh it must be an edgy series! it's got bottoms in it! - it's a throwback to the 70's:Remember in the 70's, how there was this 'gay futurism'? Robert Heinlein had all his characters (in his crap, crap stories) having sex with each other regardless of gender or familial status. Hardcore porn producers (of some quality work too!) were convinced that hardcore sex scenes would make their way in common into mainstream movies. And quite a few porn titles (on dear old VHS and 8mm) had some sexual interaction between males even if the title was a gay movie or not.And you know why? BECAUSE EVERYONE WAS ON COCAINE.Coke was uber plentiful and not super-illegal in the 70's, it explains an awful lot about that era (I do love the 70's, don't get me wrong, it's probably my favourite era - and also when the only top-notch Doctor Who's were made, concluding with Season 14).Russell T Davies is gay. Good for him. Nobody seems to have convinced him that most of the world's population isn't. It's roughly 10% of any given population, go look at the stats. So yes there is a good chance that a family member, a friend, somebody you work with, is gay. A sprinkling among the populace.So unless you are for some reason focusing on gay characters, for plot or dramatical reasons - ONLY A FEW PEOPLE WILL BE GAY. NOT EVERYBODY. And bixsexuality among males is even rarer than male homosexuality, but in the Heinlein-RTDverse apparently it's every man. And woman. And alien. My gods what an insult to gays everywhere - according to Russell it really is a choice after all, folks.Now that's out of the way, the stories.There is nothing to say about them. They start out interesting, rapidly go nowhere, everyone has sex with everyone else, and then the deus-ex-machina is trotted out with a forced depressing ending so they can rubber stamp it as 'edgy'.Torchwood is just a pile of rubbish, and I can't believe it survived the 2nd season.
    jluebke2 I fear that my review will be thrown into the pile of reviews made by those who rated this 1 star solely based on their opinion that it is not as good as Doctor Who because I too rated it as only 1 star. I watched Doctor who and found it to be a decent show. And based on that I decided to try this show... Honestly a big reason I enjoyed Doctor Who so much was because that for the most part it was a decently clean show. It seems I no longer can choose a show expecting it to be decent. This show is full of so much vulgar and sexual content I cannot rate it anything more than 1 star. I hoped that this, like Doctor Who would be a for the most part decent show, but I was dead wrong.I hope that by writing this review I can keep perhaps one person from making the same mistake I did in deciding to watch this show. I hope to save them from all of the vulgar inappropriate content it contains.
    gigglymimi At the beginning, Torchwood was an interesting show with a really long plot, we couldn't figure out what was going to happen - or who was going to show up. At first, it was pretty much like Doctor Who just with Gwen Cooper on these long journeys with the "gang" throughout the city, fighting monsters - and figuring out alien lifeforms. As we get to the second season, there is VERY LITTLE sci fi, and more drama. I, personally, could predict everything that was going to happen in the drama fest - it felt like high-school to me, not a sci fi show about aliens. One of the main characters who barley talks dies (no surprise!) and some new character shows up in the next episode that is some alien life-form who controls minds. REALLY??!?!?! Is that all you could think of?!?!? This show turned for the worst, it's like a soap opera with drama aliens. I suggest watching Dr. Who if you want to watch anything good.
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