Breaking In
Breaking In
TV-14 | 06 April 2011 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
    Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
    shaman-466-263303 The writing in season one was weak, but the idea was decent and with some improved writing could have been a decent show. Season two however lost everything that made the show worth watching and tried to make a halfassed comedic farce with a new characters (and loss of old ones with no explanation) that fell flat at every turn. They never did 'jobs' anymore and it became this awkward show centered around the 'new boss' who was eccentric and quirky and had nothing to do with the basic premise of the show. Season two's follies are the shining example of how to murder a show.
    Mike-DD I enjoyed Bret Harrison's last outing in Reaper, and so wanted to see if he could make this enjoyable as well. It didn't hurt that Christian Slater also had a major role as well.Slater is the boss of a company that specialises in breaking into secure systems and locations to test out security systems and protocols. Bret Harrison is the young computer genius who is recruited into the company. The show is fun because the many oddballs who work in the company, or rather, the characters who have quirky habits. It's fun, and funny, to see how they break into companies, computer systems, and sometimes act as 'security escorts' for all manner of items.There are few serious moments - this is a comedy after all. But they do add gravitas to a series that depend on madcap capers on its success. And some of those capers are really ingenious.For the tech-oriented, or even those who are not but are not totally tech-clueless, this is a very enjoyable series. It's just too bad it was cancelled after just 2 seasons. There seemed more fun ahead with new characters brought onboard.
    SnoopyStyle Cameron Price (Bret Harrison) works for mercurial security tech entrepeneur Oz (Christian Slater). Co-worker Cash Sparks is his best black friend and Melanie Garcia is his crush. Odette Annable leaves after the first season. The cast is joined by Megan Mullally and Erin Richards in the second season.There are some good moments with the group in first season. The group is able to build some good chemistry. The cast turnover between seasons threw the balance off for the show. Megan Mullally could be fun for what she does but her over-the-top silliness pushes the show too far off-kilter. It's a different tone and not funny. They also threw in Erin Richards to replace Odette Annable. That's a hot chick for hot chick move. The problem is that Bret spent a whole season building chemistry with Odette. The desperate hail-Mary fails to work.
    helperzine I could ramble on about the corny comedy and predictable characters and lame actors and cheesy romance, but what made me dislike this series is that it felt like a personal attack on my mind! It's like the creators think I'm really very stupid and designed something to suit my low IQ... It's of course up to you if you want to watch this, but I really think that with the number of series and movies out there, you can do better.Extra details: It's about a team who have to be 'good-guy' thieves, if there exists such a thing. The don't want to, but they're forced to. It clearly shows on screen: they don't enjoy what they do, and I didn't enjoy watching them! The music is boring and the visual effects are pathetic.