TV-14 | 24 February 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
    Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
    davidberry-60933 This is a show about a group of crooks who the viewer chooses to like because they out-smart the crooks we all love to hate, which includes the banksters, the elitists, and some members of the police and secret service that have forgotten who they are supposed to serve.In a large number of episodes two sets of people are getting conned. One is explained to the viewer as "The Mark", the one that isn't explained to the viewer, until the end, is you! The stories are well written so that the viewer can't see exactly what is happening until the last few minutes when all is revealed and you often end up thinking "damn, I should have seen that coming". After watching a few episodes you will know the con is on the viewer as well, but it is still a challenge to work out what is really happening.If you enjoy a puzzling type of show you will love Hustle.
    raztvi After reading some reviews and seeing its awards I really thought "Wow,this might be my next TV Series to watch." The name "Hustle"just makes you think this has some tricky stuff and might be fun to watch,but also might force you to be focused in order to understand/anticipate what they want to do. After watching the first episode I realized everything I expected crumbled.Characters are presented very fast,no history,they are thinly sketched. Moving on,once the "gang "reunites and talks over their plan to scam the old man,police already knows Mickey wants a last hit,they know at what hotel they stay,they know who's the target and so on.This means the scammers are not the best at what they do (in fact,the handlers of this case state that they are in another league).They manage to become friends with the target just because they had a scotch together.I won't continue with the spoilers,but the tricks they pull seem pretty naive and I didn't bought a thing from them.The only thing that might be mentioned is how they managed to trick the ATM by drawing with a marker a line over the visual sensor where they money come out from the ATM(I am not sure this is how it works though),but then again people want to get money from ATM,it doesn't work,the money get stuck in the machine and instead of making a complaint,calling police or something they just walk over.Not sure how this TV series managed to go all the way,maybe they have 10 years old fans .
    Anna Pan Even though you can just tell the production is a little poor (not fancy comparing to the big shows, such as Sherlock), every single episode has a brilliant story that makes the show standout and glowing! Once again, I think storytelling really is the most attractive part of films. Hustle is stories of con man. Each 50-min episode is one clever scam. You can never guess how they could possibly accomplish the scam until the very last minute.I call this TV series a Master program of Scam. After finish watching 50+ stories, you will be able to become a great con man and make a lot of money. Quite appealing, isn't it?
    Zach Kingsbury Hustle had me drawn in from Series 1 right up until the very last episode of Series 8, It's one of the very few shows that hasn't had an episode that i didn't like. Very few TV shows on at the moment has gave me that feeling.Every episode has a well thought out plot, and the con itself can sometimes leave you thinking "How did they do that?", which i always like. You never thought it was fake. As well as all the business end of things in this show, there's always the idea of humour to be added in, and it is applied where possible, and where it is applied it is excellent.The characters in my eyes couldn't have been cast any better. Robert Vaughn and Robert Glenister were my personal favourites, but full marks to Adrian Lester & others for keeping me entertained over these past few years, Yes, that includes Eddie the barman as well. What i also liked about the characters is that they all got equal parts, which you don't always get in these types of shows where the main characters are in some kind of group or organisation, an example is Primeval, Series 1 & 2, where Stephen hardly ever got any story lines, apart from his affair with estranged Helen Cutter. It's different in Hustle, throughout i think every character got at least one episode that revolved around their life.Overall Hustle is one of my favourite shows that's been on TV, and i'l sorely miss it. Well Done producers, well done.