The Black Donnellys
The Black Donnellys
TV-14 | 26 February 2007 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
    FrogGlace In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
    Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
    Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
    Deathrow_nzl I enjoyed this show a lot.. But the way episode 13 ended though it seems like they were planning to make another season.. They did'nt really tell us exactly what happened and left us guessing.I am guessing that some of the actors weren't keen to do another season.Its a shame really.I think the only actor I have seen in another show worth mentioning and might have been better off leaving the show was was Mark Margolis (Sal) who starred in breaking bad..Would love it if they got some of the cast together and started up on this series again.. Even though that's unlikely.
    TheDaydreamer One day I was surfing the internet, and came across this show. It looked interesting, so I thought I would give it a shot - and BOY OH BOY was I in for a surprise: What followed was, in my opinion the best viewing experience I've ever had from a TV-showIt had everything a good show should contain:A very good plot line - Great locations - Great characters I sat in awe watching the show, and thought to myself "WOW, this is really great!"But then the unfortunate happened = I found out the show was canceled after only 1 season! I looked around, and to my surprise I found out, that a LOT of other people felt the same way I did about this show:There are a lot of shows filling the air, and some get taken of because of low ratings and such, and some of them deserve it - but NOT this oneAll I can hope for, is that NBC will reconsider their decision and bring back the show - because to me, it looks like it has become somewhat of a cult classic!!
    chigekko I was habituated to the time slot and, although disappointed when they put Studio 60 on hiatus, I kind of understood why. Studio 60 was great when it was good but had (has) a lot of spotty points that just don't work. So I tuned into The Black Donnellys out of habit more than a genuine interest in the show.By the first twenty minutes, I knew I was into something good.NBC pulled the plug, unceremoniously and without grace, on the show after only a few episodes. Fortunately, they made the episodes in the can for the rest of its short season available online and I was able to finish out the season and it only makes me more certain of this fact: NBC is the stupidest network on the air today.Donnellys was set up to fail to begin with. It was a mid-season replacement for a faltering show that was overly-infatuated with its own self and only gave the new show five or six weeks before they killed it.The Donnellys is ... was ... could have been ... NBC's Sopranos but it doesn't look like they had a clue about what they had. Frankly, it was better than the Sopranos, I think, and I hope they either revive it or, HDNET picks it up for more episodes, or, best yet, HBO buys the series and really lets it cut loose. HBO--now that's a network that knows how to produce, and support, a series. NBC ... if you're listening ... put the Donnellys on the air in a good timeslot and give it the support it deserves. It was the best, most mature, best-produced and most well-written show you had.On a side note: Haggis is one massively talented writer and storyteller. I'll watch/read/listen to anything he's got to offer from now on. Crash, Million Dollar Baby, Letters from Iwo Jima, The Black Donnellys ... geez. Awesome run of late.Enough, even, to actually forgive the Texas Walker Ranger years!
    g_raas Okay, if you really like to watch crap do not watch this! This is a show that actually attempts to define what it means to be a lower class urban racial majority and allows persons of similar lineage to identify with something other than a culture that is not their own. I have seen every episode and each one has had brilliant actors, playing the perfect role in a fantastic story which is being unravelled in addictive little bits of wonderful storytelling. Lots of character build-up that just as you get to know them and identify with the character culminates in either action and/or suspense. A fine portrayal of 2 cultures that built and had major influences on N.America facing off with wits or muscle in the seedy backstreets of NYC. Watch this show!
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