Mad Dogs
Mad Dogs
TV-MA | 15 January 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
    Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
    willprot I am not sure what some people are seeing in this excruciatingly terrible show, (looks like many just reviewed the pilot). I literally could not get through the second episode and I tried TWICE.The problem is all that happens to move the plot forward is 100% dependent that the main characters are incredibly stupid and cowardly, but beyond that inane fact... all the strangers they meet seem to know this before getting to know them and treat them as such. In the second episode literally THREE times before the show was halfway through someone they just met (1 a couple hours the night before, 2 immediately) does something you would NEVER do someone you don't know, barely know, or are doing business with and... ignoring them, need their boss happy... but beyond that they just take it.These bumblers can't figure out how to deal with or get out of any situation where anyone is being aggressive, they just tuck their tail between their legs and accept it, furthermore the actions they do take are often boneheaded and just get them into more problems. Not to mention why is everyone they interact with so aggressive and overbearing towards them.If the ONLY way you can get your characters in to situations is by making them idiotic and fearful and somehow inexplicably everyone they meet treats them as such you don't have a good show, or premise for a show; it's just bad writing. HUNDREDS of shows get their characters into hot water and tricky situations without relying on the audience to just accept they are the stupidest group of businessmen, lawyers, or what have you on the planet.
    its_jimbo I wanted to like this. I was trying to find something to watch on my 4K TV and settled on this. I figured Belize is beautiful (as it turns out it is filmed in Puerto Rico), but still pretty enough. I have always found Billy Zane fun, so I have given it a try.The first episode was intriguing and well, there is some of the most graphic violence ever filmed, but these guys might be the dumbest, worst drivers in the history of the world. I am now seven episodes in and just want them all caught. I should be rooting for someone, but there is not a character to like in the bunch. I would add details, but I want to do this without spoilers. Just trust me, without the 4K filming, this has nothing to offer!
    rotex29 This show had great promise out of the gate with the pilot, however as it progressed, the storyline seemed to grow weaker. This supported by the introduction of new and random characters who seemed to add little to the plot (i.e Rochelle, the US Attache at the Embassy), or were added late in the series to create unneeded twists (the woman CIA operative). Billy Zane was seen only in the first episode and after that it was up to the viewer to speculate on his role, involvement in the story and his overall character's relationship to the plot and to each of the four men who came to visit him. (It was never really made completely clear). It almost seemed the writers wrote this on the fly, attempting to get the scripts in before the deadlines, without much thought to creating a "good and solid" storyline. The plot seemed to take on a gigantic life of its own without taking the viewer through the intricacies of the characters or story for adequate viewer understanding and digestion. For example, the disappointing thing is that with the great cast (Steve Zaun or Michael Imperioli), that character development was left primarily for our imaginations, with implication and random explanations of the men's past lives introduced at various places in the show. The writers might have included more background on each of the four men and their independent struggles with alcohol and drugs, professional misconduct, divorce, estranged children and marriage problems back in Chicago. As a result, the viewer was left to try to figure out why each of the men had motive for behaviours in the jungles of Belize. This could have been interesting fodder to keep the story going and send it easily into a second season. If it goes to a second season, (which at this point, it shouldn't) a number of improvements could be made to make the whole adventure more palatable.
    jimmy (jimmycaban) Absolutely Brilliant! There's action, suspense, and horror that takes you through a thrill of emotions throughout the story. This show just draws you in right from the pilot episode. This is what we have all been waiting for since Breaking Bad everyone. All the actors were fantastic in this show and the twists in the plot just keeps you wanting more.The story grips you in a way that you feel like you are on the edge of your seat throughout the entire show. The scenery filmed in Northern Puerto Rico were gorgeous and the plot of the story is refreshing from the repetitive things we have seen on TV! Trust me, you will be pleased.What an awesome show!