Parker Lewis Can't Lose
Parker Lewis Can't Lose
| 02 September 1990 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
    Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
    Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    svtcobra331 The last season was awful. You know a show has tanked when they bring in a lame comedian to "save" the show, and they can't afford proper hair for the big-haired principal.Seasons One and Two are so fantastically imaginative, with brilliant colors, music, great character chemistry, and sound effects worthy of the stooges. The show could get meaningfully serious, for example, what happens when "friends" want you to do something wrong, or when your "joke" really humiliates someone deeply? Parker, Mikey, and Jerry would charge into danger to right the wrongs and assure all was right in Santo Domingo.And you all know that the creators of this show went on to make Dexter, right? That just shows how wickedly creative these guys are.Anyhow, Ms Musso, OMG, (sound of a whip crack) what an awesome character. With a flick of her thumb (sound of a winchester chambering a round and firing) a student was in detention. Her scream would break her window. One particular scream of hers broke a window in Germany.When the show was navigating between serious issues the jokes came so fast that I had to often slo-mo my VCR (hahaha) to inspect background elements. The show would have homages to events (how John and Yoko met) and movies (I think a Kiss Me Kate scene with Annie), many of which went past the audience. The show was rich with allusions to contemporary TV shows, movies, and singers. Many of these will be lost on modern audiences.The chemistry of the cast was well designed, the characters were well defined and interesting, often with unexpected surprise elements to their person, as Parker got to know them more.The show excelled at escapism, especially when needed to set up the problem of the week. You have got to hand it to a show in which the protagonists have a secret hideout (Batman, Hogans Heroes, Get Smart) but in one episode the computer with a big red lense seizes control of the hideout, forcing Parker to enter the red computer core, floating in zero gravity, to power down the computer. (homage: 2001)This show ruled.
    Apogee_ "Parker Lewis" was a very unusual show, and that's probably also the reason why it only lasted 3 seasons. The show revolves around the life of the main character Parker (the trendy guy), and his pals, Mikey (the cool guy), Jerry (the nerdy guy) and later on also Kubiac (the bully guy, who turned out to be all right).It's all about being a teenager, and all what comes with it, love, trouble with the parents, making choices etc. What makes the show unique is the stories, and more importantly how they are told. It's hard to explain really, but it's something out of the ordinary, and it definately worth checking out. Even though the show didn't last very long, it did help make the way for other brilliant children/young adult shows such as "Eerie Indiana" and "The Adventures of Pete and Pete".
    mix-3 I love it. I do. This, IMHO, is what a teenage/youth comedy should be. A perfect example of how a series can be intriguing, funny and yet explore the very real situations high school students come face to face with every day. And it does this without being crude, without offensive language etc. Having seen the series, some of the other similar series like Sweet valley high, Saved by the bell and, yes, Ferris Bueller (TV series) look like pale imitations and wannabes. Granted, Parker isn't for everyone. The surreal situations may alienate or simply bother some viewers. But it depends on the person.Give it a try.
    Dubs Like its contemporary on Nickelodean, "Clarissa Explains It All", Fox's early hit "Parker Lewis Can't Lose" was a show featuring a teenage protagonist sporting an attitude of mastery of one's environment. However, hidden in within the plot lines was a hint of the insecurity that all teens face.The stories follow Parker Lewis(Corin Nemec) and his two friends, the suave Mikey and the nerdy Jerry. They do battle with a cold-hearted principal and Parker's spiteful younger sister, while somehow navigating the strange worlds of high school.This amusing show was one of Fox's staples during its earlier years, and went into brief syndication. Look for fan favorite Abraham Benrubi(Jerry on "ER") as the recurring character of Kubiac, a hulking, basically non-speaking giant of a high school student.