The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
TV-PG | 10 September 1990 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    Executscan Expected more
    ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
    Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    thomasjay-52277 First experienced this at a pre teen just about 2010 and fell in love with the show from them, so much charm and appeal with a rate of comedy that's essentially 'laugh a minute' with great character and performance, iconic theme and equally interesting stories throughout what's not to like? The rewatch value is near endless and there's moments of deep and touching social commentary, definitely worth your time
    merelyaninnuendo The Fresh Prince Of Bel-AirThe origin of Will Smith's fame and too many mentions from The Graham Norton Show got me to binge watch this series which I think has a potential to be a typical one-time-watch sitcom. The creators made the relations pretty much clear from the first frame now all one seek and wait for is their character development through this journey with hopefully no dips on content or humor. The relation between Will Smith and Tatyana Ali seemed interesting at first but wasn't explored to that extent and instead all the guns were directed towards Alfonso Rebeiro (his portrayal of Carlton is the highlight of the series, it is flat out hilarious) whose sibling rivalry ups the ante of the series and James Avery's intense relation with Will that helps bind it all. The series walks on light and breezy path with a sense of awareness of its existence that opens this whole new floor where they access and visits places where only parody goes to which is kind of eerie to encounter. This huge bold step comes with both pros and cons where pro is that it draws out most of its laugh and con being when the series attempts to go on a more dramatic path the audience somehow feels disconnected to it and the emotions comes out a bit shallow which undermines the whole build-up that they usually tend to work for the whole episode. The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air similar to its protagonist, is just goofy where the priority is the punch line of the joke and nothing else.
    elgichuhi I believe everyone born in the 90s or has seen Fresh Prince can rap along to that catchy song.What set Fresh Prince apart from it's peers is that as much as it was full of laughs,it that it took it characters seriously.At times it even got heartbreaking like the time Will reunited with his Father only to loose him.It also wasn't afraid to address the issues that the black community faces,and still do.Overall Fresh Prince is like your favorite song that you can't help but dance along to whenever it's on.
    studioAT I remember watching this show when I was a kid and it's fun to see that it still remains as funny today in re-runs as it was then.Before he was a big movie star Will Smith was great in this sitcom playing a character that although wasn't a massive leap from his usual persona was a great sitcom character. He luckily was supported by good writing and a clever supporting cast, including the much missed James Avery.While it looks a little bit dated now and not all of the jokes will be understood by a modern audience, I think the essence of what made the show work still remains. It's a fish out of water tale really.Also,with only six seasons being made the show got out while it was still largely on top. And not many sitcoms can say that.
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