Saved by the Bell
Saved by the Bell
TV-G | 20 August 1989 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
    Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
    Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    BeaconSky 'Saved By the Bell' focuses on a group of pretentious, entitled and shallow high school students whose repugnant behavior is always somehow justified at the end of the show. Deceptive, lying, cheating, insulting and rude behavior all forgiven by a hug and an 'I'm sorry' at the end of the episode only to do it all over again the next episode. The message this show sends? It's ok to behave reprehensibly as long as you say you're sorry afterwards. Keep impressionable kids away from this show.
    Josephine Andersson It's definitely a lovely show to look at at. The 80's and 90's fashion and all that is eye candy for me and reminds me of my childhood even though i'm born in the mid 90's. It reminds me of a happier time. But i gotta say, the script and the storyline is pretty horrible most of the time. I mean sure, it's all happy and it always ends happy. It's a bunch of kids having fun in school dealing with very minor problems sometimes. The group is obviously a quite popular and normal gang. Parents barely exist. It's the perfect show to watch if you wanna relax for a bit and see a happy side of high school. A very unreal side unless you actually are popular, but still. But if you wanna watch something that you can actually relate to, look elsewhere.Personally, i prefer a show that shows a more realistic side of life. Like Boy Meets World or Lizzie McGuire for example. Boy meets world handled almost every problem and life situation you can think of in a beautiful and natural way. Poverty, middle-class family, young love, death of loved ones, height difference, marriage... Their actors and actresses weren't super skinny without flaws, they looked natural. Same goes with Lizzie. OK, the movie was pretty damn unrealistic, but some parts of it and the show dealt with some serious and realistic stuff. Don't get me wrong, i love saved by the bell. It's eye candy in many ways and i love watching it. But the's pretty awful. It just gets a bit too plastic sometimes like modern Disney shows. But it's a great classic and it's still a billion times better than most modern crap that kids watch on TV nowadays.
    cheesecrop Saved By The Bell is a little show many kids growing up in the early 1990's remember. It is set at a fictional high school, Bayside, and features six teenagers going through the motions that most teenagers do on shows such as this.There are no curve balls tossed at the viewers here. Most of the shows are straight forward, and deal with the sort of things kids of that age deal with - dating, peer pressure, the obvious. Some episodes are "message" episodes, but are played very simply, while others are episodes that are done strictly for laughs.I will say this - the show, while enjoyable, always seemed removed from it's particular era. The show caught the tail end of the 1980's, and ended in 1993. About halfway through this, the "90's" that everyone came to know, started up. Watching the show gives one a reminder of the giant gulf separating the world of corporate youth culture (if such a thing exists) and the world of the moment (the "grunge/alternative" culture). They really do seem to exist in two different realities.Saved By The Bell was still a fun show, though, & it continues to be, even in reruns.
    harpisteva I loved this show when I was younger. Even though when I watched the show it was re-runs that came at 5 p.m. I remember watching it once and being hooked on it. I think Saved By the Bell is an American classic like I Love Lucy. By watching the show now, you just realize that we live in a different TV era now, where shows like these are just not produced by TV networks. I guess in 90's there was a popular theme to show innocence amongst teens. I never really liked Beverly Hills because I felt it was just about rich teens, but Saved By the Bell had a realistic element where it's just about young people living every day life in High School.