Growing Pains
Growing Pains
TV-G | 24 September 1985 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
    powermandan Growing Pains is a family sitcom that deals with traditional matters that need dealing. Drinking, smoking, curfews, and others. Some episodes are sadder that deal with death in the family and suicide. The episode about teen suicide is one that there should have been more of if Growing Pains wanted to set itself apart from other shows around this time. The suicide episode was like something Diff'rent Strokes would do. That is what set it apart from others, they took risks. But there are many meaningful episodes that can come to help and really make you laugh. I know that this doesn't have very high ratings on many sites and sources, but I have a personal connection with this. I feel this is my own.Growing Pains is about the Seaver clan: Maggie (Kerns) pursues her career in journalism again while husband Jason (Thicke) does his psychiatry work at home. They have three children: girl- chasing slacker, Mike (Cameron); clever, bookworm Carol (Gold); and nutty, rambunctious Ben (Miller). By season four, Chrissy Seaver was introduced and aged very fast when Ashley Johnson was cast in the role. The character of Chrissy is one of the most recognized TV characters that age faster. Around that time, Maggie and Jason's work locations switched again with Maggie working from home and Jason having an office. One thing I like about Growing Pains is the chemistry and evolvement of the characters. The one that evolves the most is Mike. In the early seasons, he is girl-crazy, immature, and trouble making with no ambition. he eventually decides he wants to be an actor, and the episodes where he puts his plan into action show how had it is to find work as any artist. He later works as a teacher, where he takes in homeless Luke Brower (DiCaprio). Mike becoming a teacher was very unrealistic because a university degree is needed and Mike just went to community college for drama. He becomes a sophisticated and responsible young man. He totally changes from the slacker in the first few seasons. Luckily, his transition was very smooth and precise, making it realistic and admirable. This was also when he fell in love with his character's girlfriend (Noble) in real life and wound up marrying. Mike becomes Luke's guardian and father figure. The introduction of Luke alone was a good addition to the show. Tracey Gold was having health problems and her character was seen less in the last season as she attends university, and they needed a good replacement. Who better than a young Leo DiCaprio? This was before the days of Gilbert Grape and Titanic, but DiCaprio still shines in a very memorable role. Any old fan of Growing Pains knew that Leo was destined for greatness. With most seasons in the 80s and a couple in the 90s, Growing Pains is a wonderful cruise down memory lane.
    ezemic as far as i concern, this show was the first TV comedy imported by China from State. And it draw a picture of typical family in US which was quite different from Chiese families at that time,specially, the relationship between kids and their parents. what is pretty amazing is that guys who watched this show in their childhood constantly in 1980s-1990s is getting their own kids and building up their families. so when our generation face so family issues, this show often come to our mind. the rate,6.8, is absolutely underrated. but the movie is totally a disaster, it made mike not charming any more..... and Ben ,noting but stupid.
    GoTheDistance Growing Pains lasted 7 seasons (166 episodes) against the toughest competition in TV history: Cheers, Cosby, Golden Girls, Roseanne… I am very glad that this fun show will join the other shows that have been honored with a DVD. This family was wacky, goofy, smart, smart-mouthed, yet full of heart. The show never gets old. It's important to buy the DVD($23!) soon after it comes out to send a message to the studio that made the DVD that we like the show a lot; enough to buy a 2nd Season. Because the only thing better than the 1st season is the 2nd(The Goofy Glue Incident, etc).The characters are meticulously written, and brought to life well by the actors – like Seinfeld, Friends and Cheers. They're characters you get to know, like, care about, and never forget. Same goes for a lot of the episodes:11. "STANDARDIZED TEST" Idaho I.Q. high school test- Quote: "After this, the whole school will know how stupid we are" 4. "CAROL'S ARTICLE" episode that made up a word: "stinkiosity"(I'm laughing right now-20 years later).16. "THE SEAVERS VS. THE CLEAVERS" – with Annette Funicello in a "June Cleaver" parody. Season 2: 29. DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC? – a take on "The Sting". - Ben: "Here's your cut, mom." 41. THE AWFUL TRUTH – The Kids are alone in the house, and make a discovery. - One of my favorite eps of all TV. 44. CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS - The Kids are alone at home again - things happen…involving Goofy Glue.I'll be watching this show for the rest of my life (thanks to the DVD and Warner Brothers). I still remember watching the 1st run of some of these memorable episodes 20 years ago!!....."Who knew?" ;)
    the_heartbreak_kid A Family Ties wannabe? I wouldn't hardly agree with that! The Seaver family from Growing Pains had much more character and likability for me anyways than the cast from family ties. Now I'm not trashing family ties at all.....But Growing Pains just had a much better cast in my opinion. I mean Tracey Gold? Come on. It didn't get much better than that in the late 80s and early 90s. When this show originally aired I was very young. So naturally when I caught that the show was re-running on Disney I thought hey I'm gonna check this out and hope it isn't as corny as some of the other stuff I use to watch when I was little....well much to my surprise the show holds up nicely. You actually care about the characters.