Stark Raving Mad
Stark Raving Mad
| 23 September 1999 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
    Tyreece Hulme One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
    Asad Almond A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
    Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
    polamb Stark Raving Mad is one of the best shows in the history of NBC. It can only be compared with Seinfeld. The play of actors is very dynamic and brilliant. Each episode is clear 30 minutes of laughter. Even after the show is over one can still have the sensation of wellbeing. Your life seems much better and more interesting when you encounter this show. Unfortunately the bureaucracy of NBC executives took over the preferences of real people. The show was ripped from our lives and killed in its prime. Much worse shows were still running while Stark Raving Mad was dying in pain. I can only hope that each of those actors picks up in his/her carrier and have success and happiness. (Ian Stark is a Monk, Henri is one of the stars of a new comedy on CBS (big loss for NBC). I hope that someday this show will return at least on DVD so our children and brainchildren will experience this amazing humor as well as we did. This show deserves to go on.
    larry.launders For a show that took a large number of other awards (if my memory serves this won 10 Golden Globe...nominations or awards, I don't recall which) I can't believe this was only put out to run for part of one season. It wasn't given much of a chance and frankly, I think it may have been over most of the viewing publics heads. And I'm not happy that it was put in a very difficult time slot and canceled quickly as it didn't have the opportunity to perform. A shame some other network couldn't have picked it up and ran with it, too.By the time this had any chance to develop a following, Heather Paige Kent had apparently already moved on to another show. Possibly others had as well. Such a shame as this was a funny AND intelligent show.However, why it is not on DVD yet is a mystery. There's a lotta junk put out there on DVD already from television's past, why not this one?
    pinnacle10 Seeing some of the new crap shows that are just coming out now made me think of Stark Raving Mad and I'm still wondering why they cancelled it. There are no new shows this year that even compare to Stark Raving Mad. It was one of the few sitcoms that actually made me laugh. I'm hopeful some channel will start to show reruns sometime soon.
    wolfhell88 This is one of the best Comedy-Series of all times. Tony Shalhoub as writer Ian Stark is brilliant, also Neil Patrik Harris, star of "Dougie Howser", as his lector. The difference between both makes this comedy so funny. Don't miss it!