How to Live With Your Parents (For the Rest of Your Life)
How to Live With Your Parents (For the Rest of Your Life)
TV-PG | 03 April 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
    Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
    nemesis_furia I cannot believe how people are fixated on the idea being so bad: the 30 something years old, single, divorced mom. So what? First of all it is intended as a comedy show and it reaches its goal fully. The acting is great from all of the actors, which is a pretty rare thing to see in new TV series. As comedy aims to give a good mood, positive energy, this show offers all that fully, and i was honestly both surprised and disappointed when i found out it got canceled. Sarah Chalke is a very natural actress who, in all the roles i've seen her, sends out a good vibe. I wish there would be enough fans to get this show back. It's a shame how people have such bad tastes nowadays! And P.S. In my opinion, it's better than Modern Family - and i like Modern Family.
    Gokuguys Wow! i must say that this show is one of the biggest failures of the season. Along with most shows on ABC this one has a plot that can only lead to disaster. I am ashamed that Brad Garrett took the job on this show because it does not help his career one bit. Yet, after his (much better) performance in the comedy "'Til Death" you cant blame him, he is at the edge of the road to retirement but this show is just a display that he wont be having a nicely padded farewell. All-in-all i think that this show should be canceled as soon as possible. A perfect way to describe this show is "unconcious" meaning it is bad but its not quite gone.
    Lizzie Sparrow Annoying. If it was possible to give this 0 stars, I would do it. The parents are fine and it could have been a fairly interesting sitcom, but the daughter is insufferable. Between her basically telling her parents that they're an embarrassment and need to "watch what they say/do" around her little precious princess/brat kid, and the kid herself--who is also annoying--I can't believe I sat through the entire show. I really wanted to like this because I do find the parents interesting and would enjoy them under different circumstances, as they reminded me somewhat of the two hippie parents in "Meet the Fockers"--but I can't deal with them even attempting to kowtow to their daughter's ridiculous "rules" regarding the granddaughter & what they can/can't do/say around her. TOO BAD, SWEETHEART. It's their house---SHE'S the one leeching off of them and intruding on THEIR lives--they're gracious enough to allow her to move back in, and they even attempt to placate her stupid "rules" around her kid. They need to tell her that she better learn to deal with the way they live or get the h*** out. I suggest that if she doesn't like their lifestyle, she can move out and move back in with her ex-husband, or live in the street in a refrigerator box with the stupid kid. I was hoping that this would be at least mildly humorous, but I really, really can't stand the daughter, so that ruins the whole show. She treats the parents like they're embarrassments to her--what an ingrate. This show is terrible---I will give it one more shot next week in hopes of it improving, because, as I mentioned earlier, I like the parents. But if it's as bad as the premiere episode, I hope it tanks like the Titanic or that they re-write the daughter character. Too bad, because I liked the actress who plays her when she was on "Scrubs". Not intelligently written, and definitely not funny.
    Nathan Unsworth I watched this show judging from the review here on IMDb and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. IMHO it's quite funny, I think it just needs a chance. It needs some fans to get behind it and room to grow.I gave it an 8/10 from the first episode but i can see it changing in the future. I hope they can get some good ideas in for episodes in the future. It'd be a shame to see another decent show go down the drain.I think the characters are pretty strong too, apart from the ex who I don't think should really have as big a part as it feels like he's going too. It needs to feel more like she's moved away from him and is fully moving on.P.S. It's awesome to see something new from Sarah Chalke! I can't help but wonder if this character is going to be a lot like Elliot. She seems the type.