The Green Green Grass
The Green Green Grass
| 09 September 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    RaspberryLucozade Many popular sitcoms have at sometime or another acquired a spin-off, which more often than not is deemed inferior to the original. Everyone has heard of 'On The Buses' but how many people remember 'Don't Drink The Water'? Those who loved 'The Fall & Rise Of Reginald Perrin' were bitterly disappointed with 'The Legacy Of Reginald Perrin'. 'The Golden Palace' failed to replicate the success of 'The Golden Girls'. Unperturbed by the consequences, John Sullivan bravely created a sequel of his most famous creation, 'Only Fools & Horses'. A tough job, but one that Sullivan remarkably pulled off.Second-hand car dealer Boycie and his wife Marlene, played by John Challis and Sue Holderness, became favourites with fans of 'Only Fools' so Sullivan felt they had potential to appear in their own show. 'The Green Green Grass' saw Boycie and Marlene's idyllic lifestyle being turned upside down when Boycie learns that local mobsters The Driscoll Brothers ( Roy Marsden and Christopher Ryan ) are due to be released from prison and want to exact revenge on him as he was the one responsible for getting them put behind bars. Terrified for his safety, Boycie decides to sell his business and, along with Marlene, their dim-witted son Tyler ( Jack Doolan ) and their rotweiller dog Earl, flee to the countryside. However, Boycie's new life on the farm isn't quite as simple as he thought it would be.'The Green Green Grass' isn't a wonderful show, but it is certainly far from bad. There were many hilarious moments, such as when Boycie discovered that the prize bull he has just bought may be gay! Challis and Holderness were as brilliant as ever though I could not take to Jack Doolan as Tyler. The stereotypical country bumpkins weren't funny either, apart from David Ross as farm manager Elgin. June Whitfield made an appearance as Marlene's brassy mother Dora as did Paula Wilcox as her big-mouthed sister Petunia.'The Green Green Grass' was compared unfairly by some to its predecessor, as was the case with the 'Porridge' sequel 'Going Straight', though unlike Ronnie Barker's sitcom ( which only ran one series ), 'The Green Green Grass' was sufficiently popular to run to a respectable four series.For all its faults, it was superior to many other sitcoms that were around at that time such as 'The Office' and 'The I.T Crowd'. The best place for them was Boycie's compost heap!
    Syl This show is not the funniest British comedy but it is certainly not one of the worst around. I actually laughed and look forward to it. The cast is good, the plot and setting make it interesting, and the characters need time to get developed but the actors who play them are quite worth watching. I like the husband and wife and son. The fact that Gareth Gwenlan who also produced Waiting For God produces this show gives me faith that it will get better. I don't know who Sullivan is. Yes, Only Fools and Horses, was a classic British comedy but it doesn't just happen. A good comedy takes time and work to nourish it along the way. It's not perfect but it's not rubbish neither, it's worth watching and there are few good new British comedies that are around to enjoy and this one is a favorite of mine. I wish British comedies did have the season of American shows. A season in American can range from 14 on the cable stations to 26 on the networks. There are some shows who have less episodes than others but that's a whole other story of politics and money. I wish BBC and other British stations would nurture British comedies in the same manner that they nurture reality television shows which are just awful.
    Awais I am also a OF&H fan.I was worried than show spin offs like this won't work. Like the Friends spin off Joey...which honestly made feel sleepy. After watching the first episode I am eagerly waiting for the next one, where we will meet rest of the new characters. The characters of Boycie and Marlene work great together so it would make an interesting show based around their family life. The show is set in the present as their son is now teenager and will be interesting how his character develops. They moved to Shropshire out in the sticks and it would be interesting if they evolve or still have the London banter going on. But,John Sullivan has made a good first humorous episode and long it may continue be that way.
    Stephen Bailey I haven't felt so ashamed to be English since last Wednesday when Northern Ireland beat us at football. This show is AWFUL. I thought it would be bad but even my very worst expectations were surpassed, and then some. John Sullivan wrote the utterly brilliant Only Fools & Horses which - for more than 2 decades - was Britain's best loved sitcom and then he comes up with this trash. Boycie & Marlene, 2 of the characters from OF&H leave Peckham for a new life in the country and to avoid the infamous Driscoll brothers. Boycie's evidence "sent them down" but now they're out on a technicality and looking for revenge, apparently. I only hope they find the Boyce family, AND SOON. John Challis & Sue Holderness were both hilarious in the fabulous show which made them famous but this pathetic drivel doesn't even get off the starting blocks. They both seem to be struggling to remember their Boycie & Marlene characters and their son "Tyler" is played by a young actor who has about as much charisma as a whelk, and he looks like one too. There's no "soul" to this horrible show and it simply isn't funny. The only time I've even "smiled" so far has been when Boycie makes references to his mates the Trotters and that by the way is incredibly cheap of Mr Sullivan. Only Fools & Horses was SO successful because the audience didn't just care about Del & Rodney & Uncle Albert, we LOVED them and you just can't have Boycie & Marleen WITHOUT "the trotters" and their Reliant 3-wheeler. I'm prepared to bet anyone out there £100 that this show does not complete it's first series and then vanishes without trace. It should never have been made. 1 out of 10.