Green Wing
Green Wing
| 03 September 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
    Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
    Married Baby Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
    Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
    Ginger LaBella My husband and I were recently introduced to Green Wing on DVD by a friend from the UK. We were instantly hooked, and powered through both seasons. We watched the last episode last night, and I am so sad that there is no more to watch. We will watch the Christmas special soon, but after that, that's it! It's actually hard to imagine life before Green Wing. I know that sounds ridiculous and melodramatic, but it is just that good -- and that different from anything else I've ever seen. I'm now on a quest to find another show that maybe comes close. (Is this a secret genre that I never knew of before? Is there more out there for me to discover???) The only thing that keeps me from now being in complete distress is that I am sure this is a show I can watch over and over and still enjoy.
    60066 This has to be the best show around at the moment! I recently watched series 2 on TV, and that was brilliant. So I then decided to buy this DVD. Series 1 is just as good!! All of the characters are great, if not slightly strange! My favorite characters are the girls who work in the office, they produce the funniest moments in the program. Sue White is just brilliant. Although i recognise that it doesn't appeal to some people, (though I can't for the life of me see why anyone wouldn't like it!!) if you do like it, the DVD is worth getting! The commentaries are by the cast, and are therefore hilarious, and there are great deleted scenes. In my opinion, Green Wing has made the world a better place. Buy it.If you want to find something new to watch then this is it. Buy this DVD!! Now!
    James Morris Amazing, Brilliant, Fantastic...Have I gone over the top with my praise? I think not, GREEN WING is simply one of, if not the best comedy series to come out of the UK in the last 10 years! The rest of the world, you don't know what your missing! I would "Set the Scene" for you, but no doubt this has been done already, so ill go onto my personal thoughts! Overshadowed so much by other shows, the first series, although very successful didn't get as much hype as I thought it would although it was utter genius! A sketch show come drama come regular sitcom, I don't remember seeing a more original series. It did take a bit of getting into, the fast pace and constant flashing between scenes did irritate a little at first, but once you get used to them you realise that this makes the show more original and doesn't spoil the action at all.The writing and directing is second to none but the 99.9% of the praise has to go to the cast. Although a bit of a Mix and Match from other sitcoms and shows, this doesn't affect it at all and you are used to the quite famous cast in their new roles by the end of episode one and you will be left wondering if every role was written for every actor.Although the entire cast is top notch the best things about this show is the wonderful Michelle Gomez, who's role of Sue White is the best comedy character I have ever seen. Her performances are flawless bordering on psychosis from one minute and Normal (well as normal as Sue Gets) the next. I find myself laughing before she has done anything and if she just stood there the audience would be in hysterics. Mark Heap as Dr Alan Statham is a close second but when paired with Pippa Haywood's Joanna Clore is rite up there with Gomez. Simply brilliant! With the impending release of Season 2 on DVD, I can finally relive all these glorious episodes over and over again. Judging by the viewings my Season 1 collection has got (About 5 I think now); I will certainly be getting my monies worth! If you have never seen this show, SEE IT! I give you my word you will not be disappointed!
    1of7 As a fan on good humour that stretches back to the Goons, Hancock, Monty Python, and includes The Young Ones and Fawlty Towers it is always an event when you discover something that is not only very funny, but also funny in a completely new style. Green Wing is excellent. The characters larger than life and unlikely yet are totally believable. You find yourself liking even the most obnoxious characters and wishing you could be in a position to use some of their retorts. The devise of speeding up the film is more than just a gimmick, it's like a vehicle for flying you straight to the next funny situation before you've had time to recover from the previous one. Just sitting here thinking about the series brings back a familiar ache to my ribs. Do yourself a favour and see it.