Peep Show
Peep Show
TV-MA | 19 September 2003 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
    Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
    Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
    Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
    Paul Evans I never watched Peep show when it originally went out, for the life of me I don't know why. I love it, it gets funnier as it goes along, so many uncomfortable and cringe worthy moments, but the dynamic between the two is utterly magical, they're a brilliant comic duo. Patterson Joseph, Olivia Colman, Sophie Winkleman and others all brilliant.The humour works so well because the two main characters are so different, Jezz is a total layabout, lazy, Mark is quite well motivated, just socially awkward, both share the same issues, both are totally dysfunctional.Some wonderful highlights include Holiday, University Challenge, Jeremy's Mummy. The wedding episode is perhaps my favourite, just wonderful.The whole show is just different, I love that we get to hear the inner thoughts of the characters, I can't think where it's been done before, it's original. 9/10
    eselim9175 This is utterly brilliant. From the first few seconds of the very first episode to the final seconds of the last one, (so far), in series 8 the standard never drops. It is easy to overlook the 'supporting characters' because the two central ones are so completely defined, written and portrayed by Mitchell and Webb, but the entire ensemble of characters, whether they feature once or recur more regularly are equally fantastic. The internal dialogue and POV filming make this show so fresh and interesting and the content of what the characters are 'thinking' is so spot on. Really good comedy is about having characters with real character and not just funny lines to say and having enough elements in it that the viewer can relate to. This hits the mark, with 100% accuracy, in those respects. This is better than The Office and with far more episodes too. Is this the best comedy ever? Quite probably!
    jamesguerin This is my favourite TV show of all time, narrowly defeating Scrubs although the two are nothing alike. The contrast between the two characters is nothing amazing. The combination of a laid back, lazy yet instantly likable character living with a control freak is as old as sitcoms themselves. However, the clever part of this show is that the inner feelings of the characters can be heard during the episodes. Most of the comedy occurs in this other realm, and the honesty is equally as hilarious as it is insightful. You need a bit of a tough skin to enjoy this show if I'm honest, some of the situations are very real. Not for you if you think 90210 is compelling television. Mark and Jeremy have a strange and awkward dynamic, they get along but both seem to dislike each other. They have a deep- rooted friendship and won't leave each other, although they know they'd be better off. Despite this, they have plenty of good times and you feel as if each character becomes more like the other as time progresses. To sum up, Peep Show is absolutely brilliant, not very Hollywood or glamorous but the best TV never is. Watch it.
    gmoujik At first the show attracts by similar to "I'm Alan Partridge" humouristic moves, although you see misses here and there. After a while you start to think that the show isn't inspired by Partridge, but rather plainly steals from it. Just like South Park steals from Beavis and Butt-head, Simsons. But for people who have just seen Peep Show, the show appears very original. The weakest point is that many conflicts, which create the comedy, are not resolved but just dropped, going on to the next "situation". The characters also lack any kind of dynamism. It's still watchable, but it could have been so much better. One of the writers did go to work for/with Ianucci after Peep Show in the amazing "Thick of it"/"In da loop".