Knowing Me Knowing You with Alan Partridge
Knowing Me Knowing You with Alan Partridge
| 16 September 1994 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
    Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
    movieman_kev Steve Coogan is Alan Patridge (A-HA) in this parody of talk shows using England's famous perchant for dry humor. Poor Alan doesn't have much luck with any of his guests in the 6 episode series, and his handling of said guest is what makes this series worthwhile and I frequently found myself laughing at the deftly scripted show. I can't believe how great British comedies can truly be and most of the 'comedies' in my native land of, America can be so truly dreadful. The differences truly seem like night and day. If this had an American counterpart it would likely be "the Larry Sanders Show", but whereas that deals with the behind the scenes of a talk show as much, if not more so than in front of the camera, this one just deals with the talk show proper and I believe I like both the aforementioned shows equally.My Grade: A- DVD Extras: Disc 1) Commentaries on all the episodes (which are frequently as funny as the shows themselves) ; Promos for BBC America, and "Little Britian" Disc 2) the 46 minute "Knowing me, Knowing Yule" special (with optional commentary); 16 minutes of the Test shoot with optional commentary; 5 minute, 16 seconds of Alan rambling on; 3 skits (totalling 6 minutes and 15 seconds) of Alan's appearance on BBC's "Comic Relief 1995"; 9 commercials for the TV show; photo gallery; Cast & crew Bios; and Trailer for "Men Behaving Badly" & "Manchild"
    mafster When I first watched this show, I wasn't sure. My friend told me how funny it was but at first it seemed a bit normal. However, I gave it a chance and watched some more. It was too late, I was hooked.This show is brilliantly written and the jokes are so different to other comedies it feels refreshingly different. It does require a different view point for it's comedy but when looking from that perspective, this show stands tall.The character himself, Alan Partridge, is a wonderful creation and Steve Coogan has cemented his name in comedy history. I love everything about this character and can quite easily watch this show over and over again.The funniest thing is, you seem to be laughing at Alans crashing career which is sick but you just don't care.The best part of this show was the ABBA medley. Truly brilliant.This is comedy at it's very best. The supporting characters are truly wonderful and as for Alan Partridge himself, fantastic and brilliant.AHA.....
    bossybootts I have rarely laughed so much. Maybe Derek and Clive and some M.Python but Alan Partridge is consistently hilarious. I find him even more loathsome than George of Seinfeld and that takes some doing. What a loser! But brilliantly written, and the timing is impeccable.Vintage British comedy which is making me snicker as I write this. Some scenes such as his cross country run to get away from his stalker, and his baying in the car park for his so called friend that he has caught sight of, oh the mans incorrigible! Every now and then in ones life you hear a song that you wish you could have written, you see a painting that you wish you could have painted and similarly........... comedy. Brilliant,brilliant, brilliant.
    alex-215 If you're not familiar with Alan I seriously recommend you get some of his stuff pronto, cos it is just too much fun.And I have to say it: A-HA!From the classy opening, to the parodies of guests ("Vivienne Westwood" is still the greatest thing ever) to "Glen Ponder and Debonair!" to Peter and Berni's Philosophical Steakhouse I just can't get enough of it. And Sports Casual!Is this moribund?Hots Pants! Tssssssss.