Summer Heights High
Summer Heights High
TV-MA | 05 September 2007 (USA)

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    Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
    Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
    Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    WakenPayne Okay, I'm going to be a tad more reasonable than the last review I wrote for this show. Chris Liley does have a talent for imitating stereotypes as clearly seen in this show. I first started watching this in High School during my English Class's free time, I hated it at the time even more-so because I can escape from my schooling life to go into a reflection of unlikeable characters' schooling lives.The premise of the show is to take three cardboard cut out stereotypes, one being a 13 year old boy named Jonah who likes Rap, break dancing, insulting teachers and blaming all the negative things in his life on everyone around him. There's a 17 year old high school girl named Ja'mie who is snobby, racist, prejudice, materialistic, vain and like Jonah, blames everybody else for all the negative things in her life. Then there's the drama teacher named Mr G. He is controlling, whiny, sees himself as some kind of messiah and like the other 2 characters blames everybody else for all the negative things in his life.The biggest problem I have with the show is (what a shock!) none of the characters are likable. But if we see unlikeable characters then the best thing to do would be to put them in constant misery right? Liley does that only half of the time. The other half is tasteless shock humour or offensive humour. There's even one episode where Ja'mie wants to fund the formal dance and tricks everyone into thinking it's an AIDS charity drive... Really? You had to do that? I personally don't find stuff like that funny, it's annoying to me and offensive to the people who suffer from this problem.Pretty much all the show is jam packed with humour like that. These unlikeable characters make life for everyone around them miserable and when the consequence of that happens they find a way to say it's their fault. I know some people like this kind of humour and if you like that, then that's fine. I personally don't. I can see some talent behind Chris Liley, I really do. I just don't find over-exaggerated stereotypes of people doing horrible things then blame the consequences on everybody else funny.
    miriam_eryan Taking a Borat approach to High School here is a tongue-in-cheek series brilliantly directed and performed by Chris Lilley. In a hilarious no-holds barred representation of 'school these days – with boys and perves and sex and drugs (where) it's not like it used to be ...' Lilley's theatrical vividness comes to life. Three characters equivalently blunt in their opinions co-exist at Summer Heights High School. The three main characters all acted by Lilley; Mr G – the eccentric, 'camp' drama teacher, Jonah Takalua the Polynesian school scapegoat and smart-arse and Ja'mie the pretentious and elitist Hilford Girls exchange student all guarantee a laugh in the series. This is a satirical look at public schools, 'the worst place in Australia, where you can go get anorexia.' Playing on various truths and myths about public education, the school has all the necessary ingredients to prove microcosmic of schools today. There is Mr G's drama production, where a school play is written, directed and performed about the dangers of public education, discrimination towards Jonah and attitude to counter attacks made on him. There is also discrimination in Mr G's casting of his play towards disabled and less talented children , and bitchiness within Ja'mie's friendship group of 'public school skanks,' as well as the typical unruly classroom environment created by the class clown - Jonah. The show offers a students view of school as we know it. Though satirical, it makes a serious point about the need for change in public schools and public perception of public schools as seen through Ja'mie's character. Mr G in his musical production composes the song 'School these days –(stating) you'd have to be a fool these days, to wanna go to school these days.' Just one of the many musical scores bound to sound in your head for days and even months after viewing the series. This is a show that resonates with its audience while having us in stitches. With the suggestion of it being integrated into schools' syllabus, it may also stitch up school wrongs in time to save nine before a 'puck you with a P' revolution. For those who can't handle the candor of the series, in the words of Ja'mie, need to 'learn what a sense of humour is and just build a bridge and get over it.' This is a must see for adults and children alike.
    Claudia McCarey When I've heard about this when it first appeared,I was thinking it was going to be as pathetic and dumb like 'Neighbours' on TV(if you're a foreinger who hasn't seen the TV show Neighbours,don't watch it anyway, it's very horrible),but when I got Summer Heights High on DVD,I was completely wrong,it was excellent.Reasons why: 1.The main characters,Jonah,a delinquent break dancing problem child, Mr.Gee,an ego-driven gay Drama teacher with delusional showbiz dreams,and Ja'mie,a high-class bitchy private school girl on a student exchange were VERY clever,witty and laugh-out-loud funny.Non of their talents in the show have declined,they were just perfect.2.The humour.Greatly hilarious.The jokes never got old,they were modern.I definitely recommend this show to anyone who loves Australian comedy and something realistic.
    LoneWolfAndCub Chris Lilley is a comedic genius. His first series, "We Can Be Heroes" was a excellent slice of humour and realistic satire. He has pulled it off again with Summer Heights High, a mockumentary following three different people who attend the high school Summer Heights High.We have Jonah, probably the most loved character, a 13 year old boy from Tonga who has some big issues. He has no respect for his teachers and he constantly swears and graffitis. His only joy seems to come from Gumnut College where is is developing his own personal story.Ja'mie is a transfer student from Hillford Girls Grammar School, an extremely upper class school which is totally different from SHH, which is your average public school. She befriends a group of girls and is constantly looking down on everyone and trying to organize events that will lift school spirit.Finally, there is Mr. G (my personal favourite), an eccentric and very feminine Drama teacher. His methods are odd, he is extremely full of himself and his new musical "Annabel: The Musical" is about ecstasy.We follow these characters and all their misfortunes and aspirations. The show is always funny but it is always realistic. It captures everything perfectly from the state of public schools (no offense), students with ADD, what people from private school are like and how teachers cope with hardships. Chris Lilley is an immensely talented man and I cannot wait to see what he does next.5/5