Garfield and Friends
Garfield and Friends
TV-G | 17 September 1988 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
    Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
    Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
    Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    TheLittleSongbird "Garfield and Friends" is a great show, based on a great comic strip. I just loved how funny, creative and original it was. If I had a disappointment though, and this has been mentioned by many other reviewers, I didn't think the "US Acres" (or "Orson's Farm") segments were as witty or as fun. But there were some fun characters, Wade the Duck was my favourite, and there have been some good moments. But everything else is first rate. The cartoon animation is wonderful, really nice to look at and very colourful. The theme tune is wonderful, and hummable even after a long time. And I love the characters, the lazy Garfield, adorable mischievous Oadie, narcissistic Nermal and goofy Binky The Clown. And the voice work was superb, Lorenzo Music(R.I.P) owned the character of Garfield and part of the reason why I love the show so much. The scripts are dry and witty, full of hilarious asides uttered by Garfield mostly, and the story lines are a lot of fun. In conclusion, this is a great cartoon classic, with something for everyone! 9/10 Bethany Cox
    CSGarfield I definitely remember this cartoon as one of the bests out there along with the Pink Panther. I mean, who could forget those episodes? There was one where Garfield, Jon, and Odie go out to get a car from the high-bargaining, high-convincing salesman Mr. Swindler (It's getting tougher and tougher to make an honest dollar). There was also the one where Garfield wakes up on the wrong cartoon with a He-man/Transformers atmosphere (See them to find out what Gafield does). Otherwise, Garfield is just another world's laziest cat. There's also the U.S. Acres (Orson's Farm) segments, based on another strip by Jim Davis preferably for young children (which explains why it aims toward a younger audience). They were great as well, and I liked all the characters (especially Bo and Roy). It was yet another masterpiece in there. And to conclude, there would be a Garfield Quickie based on the comic strips Jim Davis made. I also heard of hidden, or unsyndicated, episodes that never seemed to air on television (but they might appear on the videos/DVDs) All in all, this is most definitely the best cartoon show ever made! Unlike all that violent and vulgar cartoons they're crowding up with nowadays, especially anime, or Japanese animation shows Still this is my favorite one of cartoons shows in all!!! See if you can find it!
    Nozze-Musica I love Garfield, this cartoon is a piece of my childhood. Then it was a silly cartoon that had a cute cat and a dog, maybe a clown in a cartoon and Orson the pig. I watch it now and I see the satire in it and I appreciate it on a different level. The cartoon is based on the long time comic strip of the same name. The cartoon is about a fat cat who is lazy, sleeps all the time, and eats a lot, especially lasagna. His owner is cartoonist Jon Arbuckle, and Arbuckle owns a dog, names Odie. The humor is easy and not biting. The demeanor is down to earth and tongue-in-cheek, this is a great cartoon. Lorenzo music was the perfect voice for Garfield, and he really makes this cartoon work. I also like the cartoon because Garfield is a cat, and his world is the house, which had Odie and Jon. It is fun to me to watch Garfield blow up his huge problems into life threatening problems, like he is out of cat food, or something silly like that. I look at Garfield, and another reason it is so funny to me is I think my pet would say exactly what Garfield would and think what Garfield would, if my pet indeed could talk. Also featured in this show is US Acres, another Jim Davis inspired script about farm animals and their daily conflicts which was sometimes as funny as the Garfield cartoons. I love this cartoon especially compared to today, where cartoons are silly, the jokes are stupid, like Sponge Bob Squarepants, and Dexter's Laboratory, which are silly and dumb, devoid of any humor. I watch a lot of cartoons, but very few that are in first run right now. And this seems a lot better than the live action movie, which above all things has a computer animated Garfield, and a Garfield that dances and sings! Garfield doesn't dance, or rarely he does, Garfield is a lazy cat, who would be too lazy to even learn to sing and dance! I watch stuff like this, it is a nice end to my day, and makes me laugh, still one of the funniest of modern day, I hope Garfield makes a comeback soon, cartoons need him more than ever, to rescue us from the rest of bad television, which seems to have invaded both cartoon and live action television. We need Garfield to come back to make fun of television, and provide a good quality show yet again. If you come back Garfield, I'll make you some lasagna!!!!.
    newkidontheblock Garfield and Friends in my opinion is the quintessential Saturday morning television program. It was silly, it was funny, and it was smart. CBS made a great choice in 1988 by picking up this Jim Davis creation. But not only did this show have the Garfield crew, Davis also brought along his other creation, U.S. Acers, another hilarious strip that ran along Garfield during the 80's and 90's.The plot of Garfield and Friends is that there's this orange cat by the name of Garfield (named after Davis' great uncle). He's fat, cranky, and he has some sort of lasagna fetish. He lives with his hapless, hopeless, loveless owner John Arbuckle, who is a cartoonist. In the strip and the cartoon, he's betrayed as a geeky and sometimes creepy man, who is really a nice guy, but just has no luck when it comes to having a life. Also in the Arbuckle residence is the beloved yellow dog of America: Odie. Odie is kind should I put this? and idiot. He has no known thought and he paints a lot, thats about it. But Odie has his moments, and he's a good dog. They go thought life as kind of a weird family in crazy situation, and at the end, there always together in there little suburban homeAlso, we have the tales from our barn yard friends at U.S. Acers. U.S. Acers is about animals that run a farm. The leader of the group is a pig named Orson. Orson is a really good guy, he keeps everything in order, he helps everyone with there problems, and makes sure that U.S. Acers is safe from predators. We also have Roy who happens to be a rooster. To be completely frank, Roy is an a** hole. He's egotistical, and he's just a jerk. Usually, hes the cause of the problems at the farm. There's also Wade the duck. He's scared of everything, you name it, he'll run away from it, whether its weasels or demerit's, when danger reveals its ugly head, wades outta there. Bo and Landlen are the resident sheep of the farm. Bo is kind of a ambiguous stoner of the bunch. He talks a bit like Tommy Chong, and he's eyes are always half open. He doesn't really do anything, but he's always there. Landlen is the only female on the farm. She wears lots of blue eye shadow and always has a smart comment (shes a lot like Mimi Bobeck Carey from the Drew Carey Show). Landlen isn't afraid to kick some ones butt if there out of line, she usually keeps Roy in check and she has a heart of gold. The last patrons of U.S. Acers are Booker and Sheldon. There young bird brothers and they really don't do much of anything. Sheldon is still in his egg (thus the name). Like the Arbuckle clan, the animal-people of U.S. Acers are just one strange family who genuinely care for each otherIn conclusion, I believe more shows should be like Garfield and Friends. Because Saturday morning t.v. is in a dark age of really crappy show with horrible animation. The days of Anamainiacs, School House Rock, Histaria, Freakazoid, Bugs and Tweety, and Freakazoid are finished! Please save Saturday morning from these mindless piece of crap programs and lets get back to what its really about, laughing so hard that you wake up your parents.