Camp WWE
Camp WWE
TV-MA | 01 May 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
    Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
    John Norton When astronauts go into space, their waste is collected and returns with them for disposal. Apparently the WWE obtained enough of this excrement to make a show and, well, here it is. I suppose if you watch the WWE network then you probably think, 'Hey, this s**t is out of this world!' and I won't argue - you're half right.Most of what I feel is necessary to say about this show in order to properly warn potential viewers would be grounds for not publishing this review so I can only encapsulate in the most mundane of terms:Just... Plain... Bad...It is a sad commentary on the state of humanity that a show like this can exist. It is a sadder commentary that the people at WWE are allowed to vote on their own tripe, as obviously anyone who considers this as entertainment worthy of a rating greater than 1 (a minimum too high for this show) could not possibly have the ability to use a computer for anything but porn and YouTube.
    Christopher Roberts Camp WWE, is welcome edition to the programming available on the wwe network, mainly aimed at the older fans of the company its a breath of fresh from the predominately PG company that it has turned into today,Episode 1 is quite slow to begin with but for a first attempt at this style of TV Show its not bad, keep an eye on Ric Flair and Vince McMahon as they literally steal the show as you can imagine them like this in real life, personally i would skip this episode and watch the second episode but if you like to watch TV series in full then its not bad.Episode 2:Episode 2 is where this show really shines through. The plot Centers around the rocks eyebrow, the humor is fast and furious with allot of nods to the fans and in jokes are in a abundance, and it can be really appreciated by the hardcore fans, some of the more casual fans may not get some of the references though, overall this episode shows the true potential of the show.
    Paul Senpai First of all I don't like WWE, not a fan... But thanks to Camp WWE I started appreciating WWE more.First of all the characters except Vince McMahon have nothing in common with their wrestler counterparts, not their personality or at least her character design.Story, there's no story. The "adult jokes" are written for 5 year old kids with 0 sarcasm, 0 humor, 0 self awareness, 0 FUN! The animation is as cheap as you can get, I am talking about Adobe Flash mediocrity levels.Overall this show is a waste of time. So if you like WWE go watch WWE, not this piece of s**t. Also if you want a wrestling cartoon with comedy go watch Celebrity Deathmatch or ¡Mucha Lucha! and if you want a cartoon with camps and all that I recommend you Camp Lazlo! PS - Fore a show about WWE there is no wrestling...
    kokkiekok75 The first episode of this "cartoon for adults", masterminded by Robot Chicken's Seth Green, was a bit of a letdown for me. There's some good, but also some bad. Sadly, the bad is the part that should matter most.The good: Having the real voices for characters like Rick Flair, Sgt.Slaughter, and especially Vince ("A Bra? I can't wear this, probably") is a big plus. The animation itself is also quite nice: For the most part it's pretty clear to see who's who, even with the juniors, and the style fits with what this cartoon is trying to be.The Bad: The episode itself came off pretty lackluster, not that funny, and nonsensical to me! Sure, it had 4 or 5 moments that mildly amused me, but at least twice that had me thinking "this is just plain stupid", most of those involving HHH and Stephanie... I think they completely missed the mark with the HHH-character. Hope it picks up, because seriously; with the entire WWE-Universe to draw from, Seth&Co should be able to come up with some better jokes and story lines than this!