TV-MA | 21 July 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
    PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
    Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
    RaspberryLucozade Like 'The Office', 'Extras' is a one joke show that tries to lure in its viewers with the use of big names appearing in cameo roles. Nothing Ricky Gervais has ever done has been remotely funny. He comes across as an arrogant, sleazy, self-righteous ponce, not a million miles away from the characters he portrays.Andy Millman is an unknown actor who always fails to land the perfect starring role, something not helped by the fact he has a space cadet for an agent. One scene was based on the conceit that Ross Kemp was intimidated by Vinnie Jones. In reality, Kemp would probably knock seven bells out of Vinnie Jones!Ricky recently faced criticism for telling dead baby jokes during one of his stand up shows which prompted a couple who lost a baby to walk out in tears. Far from showing any remorse, Gervais cruelly slated the pair on Twitter. Dead baby jokes are not, never have been and never will be funny and anyone who finds them funny is a warped individual who deserves a good smacking. Ricky also claims to be against animal cruelty. I'm not knocking him for that but I fail to see the logic in the fact that he doesn't consider animal cruelty funny yet cruelty to infants is comedy gold in his eyes!The late Gerard Kelly made a few appearances here as a camp director named Bunny Bunton. I was surprised to see an actor of his calibre involved in such a vile show.
    HeidiELove Yes I sometimes work as an Extra in probably every Irish TV Production ever made so yes this is just right on the ball for me. Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, the creative team behind the acclaimed British series "The Office," both wrote and star in this comedy EXTRAS (in which Gervais plays Andy Millman, a movie extra seeking a speaking role and Merchant plays his agent) that is a joint production of HBO and the BBC. Forget harping on about how different it is to "The Office" and get straight to the point of this show. It is Hilarious and fun walking around dilly dally with outrageous Period costumes trying to have a normal conversion to meeting the "Extras" who just call themselves Real Actors (You don't usually do this work). It shows some of the Background humiliation and does leave out a bit too. Probably, for me the constant "moaning" of Extras……... Challenging celebrities like Patrick Stewart and Kate Winslet, each episode may seem like a desperate attempt to get views but it does not even need them as the humor of both Gevais and Merchant is in a league of its own. Background Extra work is fun but as Ricky Gervias highlights it's a pretty desperate profession for Real Actor's - looking for a line or two :)
    tr91 What a fantastic job Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant have done with this show. It really will get you laughing, a proper British comedy.The plot is good and progresses at a good pace, the 2nd series was slightly better for me. The story is brilliant, it has bits of drama too and you really relate to the characters, all of which I feel were perfectly cast.Ricky Gervais as Andy Millman is just brilliant, always failing but eventually getting there with a bit of help from his useless agent Darren Lamb, who Stephen Merchant portrays extremely well. Then there's Ashley Jensen who plays Andy's friend Maggie Jacobs, she is hilarious and always saying the wrong things, she is probably my star of the show! All of the celebrity guest stars are great and really add something special to the show, it was hard to pick which one was my favourite but I'd give a special mention to Kate Winslet and Daniel Radcliffe.Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant done the right thing with this series where they have only done 2 series and 1 feature length special. I loved The Office (UK) and I honestly believe this is on par with it, it really is that good. Buy the box-set for a couple of quid, you won't regret it.10/10
    boboncel I think the genre of the movie is not clear to all... This is FAR from your normal comedy. It's borderline dramatic. You'll get to gigel and even laugh yourself to tears but the genius of the show doesn't lie here. It's the awkward moments and the depressing ones that make this show like no other. I find myself sometimes wishing that Andy would find a new best friend, a new agent or at least a small break but the awkward comedy that follows always leaves me wanting for more, wanting to see how much he can take before he breaks. The sadness that sometimes appears in Andy's eyes reminds us of all the unfortunes we had to go through in our lives. But he stands strong and so do we, just waiting to "have a laugh". The ending fits perfectly with the theme of the show. "Tea for the Tillerman" offers a strangely thin comfort until the next time it will play, maybe under somewhat better circumstances (witch never really happens). I really think there is no better show to watch after a hard day at work. It always leaves you satisfied. So chin up Andy and do the magic that you do and maybe one day it will all be worth it!