TV-MA | 30 January 2013 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    Mathias Dubois I've been quite a fan of Ricky Gervais' work until I saw the pilot to Derek. I can see what he's trying to do: put invisible people into the focus of attention – the elderly, the disabled, the freaks (Kev). Unfortunately, it's mainly Gervais' own performance that ruins the show. The Character of Derek may be an interesting figure to develop; unfortunately, Gervais himself is completely inapt for the role. Derek's chin-tic, his awkward walk and his mental impairment give the impression of someone badly mimicking a disabled person. Karl Pilkington used to lighten up the show a bit until he quit at the beginning of Season 2. A wise decision, I'm afraid to say. All in all, I should point out that the show isn't all bad, it's actually quite watchable and even has its high that remind of the quality of The Office, but these are much more rare. The performance of all the actors is very good, except, unfortunately, for Ricky Gervais who really should have cast someone different for that role. He would have been perfect as the egocentric director or some selfish parent who comes on casual visits, but his rendition of a disabled man just isn't good enough to meet the standards of his earlier shows. In a nutshell: nobody else but himself would ever have cast Ricky Gervais for a role such as Derek.
    jswift9333 Derek is one of those series where you watch a couple of minutes and have a laugh, but then get bored quite easily. The majority of Ricky Gervais's stuff I rate highly but Derek is bang-on average and not one to be memorable in the future. Karl Pilkington's character Dougie was probably the best character in the series, but they had to drop the character due to Karl's request which was bitterly disappointing. The comedy is also mixed up sometimes, especially due to the environment being an old-peoples home and the majority of the humour has sexual references which doesn't really match. This may surprise a few users.However, lets get on with the positives. Some parts of the series are hilarious and really drag you in. I've shown this series to other family members and they find it much more enjoyable than myself, so obviously they rate it highly. Some moments are well written such as emotional moments or even bizarre moments such as sucking alcohol off the carpet, which is obviously great.Overall, I would recommend you try this series out because I believe the majority of you won't mind it especially if you enjoy other Ricky Gervais material, but it's not really my cup of tea.
    snazz11 Usually I'm a huge fan of Ricky, his stand up comedy & "The Office" is just brilliant, but Derek misses the mark. I'm fairly sure the TV show only has traction due to Ricky being known as a comedy genius.Also, I also question the legitimacy of other reviews on this page. All initial reviews give a poor rating and all of the sudden the average review score goes from 3 to 9 and 10's. I'll let you be the judge.Ricky G still has a lot to offer the comedy world, but it won't be with Derek. Lets hope he ends this series and begins to focus his efforts on other projects. Bring back David Brent and the world will be a happier place!
    Halorz This show is spectacular! To be honest I wasn't a big fan of Ricky Gervais before. I didn't really enjoy the office or extras but this show is absolutely perfect! It took me around 3 episodes to get into it, but after that I was hooked. All the characters are brilliant and so likable. It toys with your emotions more than any show I have ever seen. One second you could be sad and the next you could be in stitches laughing. It is fantastic! The whole cast work so well together. Ricky's performances are unbelievably good. The rawness and emotion he brings to his character Derek is something very special. That goes for the entire cast. Karl (Dougie) is brilliant and he is glue that holds everything together. He keeps the show grounded. Kerry Godliman (Hannah) is a revelation. Her performance of Hannah is spectacular. The development of her character has been exciting to watch and I think a lot of people will easily relate to her. Simplicity is what makes this show amazing. Each episode carries a real, heartfelt message. It deals with themes and situations concerning young and old people yet it finds commonality between them. No matter how old you are, what you look like or what past you have. Kindness conquers all. That is a great message that unfortunately doesn't get shown on TV much. Derek is funny, lighthearted, deep and thought provoking. Give it a chance. Trust me you will not regret it!!