An Idiot Abroad
An Idiot Abroad
TV-MA | 23 September 2010 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    ramesnashat So the idea travel to a country, pick a shitty guide, go to shitty places, and make fun of them, this dickhead walked out of the Egyptian museum because he found"nothing to do here", dude!!!
    spuzer55 The first season is entertaining enough to merit a viewing. You sympathise with Karl when you see the way Merchant and Gervais belittle him and parade him for their own amusement, and overlook some of the more annoying aspects of his personality. While Karl has a lot to say and is sometimes amusing and funny, he's definitely no adventurer.However, the more you watch the show and the more you get to spend time with him, the less and less sympathetic Karl becomes. In Season 2, his antics and comments become more annoying than anything else, and you realise why Gervais and Merchant act the way they do. Not only does the man whine about almost every single event in the entirety of human history, he's also pushy and completely certain of his own opinion all the time, attempting to rationalise his transparent insecurities and excuses. Most repulsive of all is the way he often treats the locals, outwardly channeling his personal frustrations and worldly ignorance at them, often mocking, confronting or offending his hosts. At this point, somewhere in the second season, you realise that Karl's opinionated perspective usually just detracts from his present surroundings and the possible entertainment value of the show.This is why Season 3 (three episodes, really) functions so well. Warwick Davis joins Karl on his adventures, providing his own critique and a much needed balance to Karl's ego. As always, Karl becomes hostile when things don't proceed the way he likes, but Warwick's presence and their ensuing confrontations and disagreements become the most entertaining part of the show. Warwick is the balancing Yang that Karl's Ying so desperately needed, substantially raising the show's entertainment and travel elements. Wish there was more of this.Recommended: Seasons 1 and 3. There are many interesting and unique places on show in Season 2, but none of them are enhanced by Karl's presence or perspective.
    Jamie Bonner Wow, what a great, great refreshing show! The idea to have Karl visit the "wonders" of the world is spectacular. If you are expecting your typical show of a person visiting these wonders, buckle up and be prepared to laugh! Ricky Gervais decides that his good ol' friend Karl is a cynic, uninformed of the beauty that exists in the world and wants to send him all over the world to visit these places, however, in an effort for Karl to experience the culture in a raw way, he makes sure his accommodations are, well, less than posh. Karl is so funny when he finally sees the pyramids or the Great Wall of China or, my favorite, Christ the Redeemer. So, you will not get a PBS travel show, but an honest view of what it was like to travel to these countries and his ultimate opinion of his experiences. Too bad there is no series 2!
    TheDoctorAnd Karl is a man who enjoys the simpler and more familiar things in life. He hasn't done much travelling, and doesn't see the point in it. He often comes off as a very grumpy man, who seems to moan a lot. Because of this, Gervais and Merchant have sent him abroad to experience the things he hasn't done yet, and perhaps has no interest in doing, whilst they stay in England and monitor his progress. However, the trips aren't all they seem, as Gervais and Merchant, presumably doing sinister laughs at the same time, have organised some unfortunate twists to make his stay even more unpleasant.Personally, I think there are certain things that Karl didn't do (i.e. the Anti-Gravity thing) that make you think "He should have done that", but there are also times (more often than not) when you can sympathise with his avoidance/hesitance to do these things (i.e. skydiving, being buried underground). Even though it might seem a bit harsh on Karl at times when we find out what the co-creators of The Office and Extras have in store for him, it is hilarious to see his reactions.This show is a treat for everyone. You don't have to like travel documentaries to appreciate and enjoy this show, as Karl will have you laughing for most of this adventure.Fans of Gervais' laugh will not be disappointed to hear it pop up a few times either.