Video Game High School
Video Game High School
TV-14 | 11 May 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Nonureva Really Surprised!
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    Phillipa Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
    georgewhittingham1 So it was late one night, scrolling through Netflix, and I thought,Video Game High School, why not? I like Gaming.Am I watching the same show as everyone else!? I had to give up after 17 minutes of excruciating garbage.Set in the future, (bullies fly off on a tandem bike) we are introduced to this nerdy skinny kid, who is playing a FPS Shoot Em Up with his friends. He somehow luckily defeats this "pro", and automatically is now a student at Video Game High School.Everything was painful. The acting was mediocre and way over exaggerated, I felt like I was watching something made in media studies by 16 year old students. Each character is automatically unlikable, geeks are skinny, bullies are broad, every girl is subjectively attractive? And the lines they delivered!? Cheesy, childish and downright stupid.The parts where they were gaming - similar to counterstrike/cod/battlefield with real people - all enemies are out in the open, each player turns into bytes when shot.It is just so off the mark, the gaming in know way represents games at all.To summarise, making a show about gaming could be great, but think about your main audience, late teens to early twenties, gaming enthusiasts who actually might be interested in a show like this. And make it appeal to them, have characters with a little depth, make the gaming as realistic and potentially gory as possible (Playing a war game with no blood or tactics?) This show feels like it is made for very young children ie: simple plot, dialog etc etc I could rant for hours about how terrible this is... But, maybe give it a chance, see if last longer than 17 minutes.
    Eric Gordon This web series is so amazing, it should be treated like a TV series. I am a huge fan of and am sad that it is coming to an end. Over the years (since 2012) the show has Season 1: This season was not like most web series, but still could never be a TV series. The episodes were extremely short, for example the first episode was only 10 minutes long. It was very unrealistic (you'll understand when you watch it). It was also not as professionally done, for example the composing and the cinematography. Now I don't want you to think that the first season was horrible, it was good; however, I tend to be a nitpicker. It was not as dramatic, it had a lot of action, and less character development.Season 2 - This season had more character development and drama. There was a good balance between drama and action. This season we witness and learn about the relationships between the characters.Season 3 - The best season yet, this is better than half of the shows on TV. A little bit of video games, but a lot of drama. Every episode has different stories to show what is happening with all of the characters, shown especially in episode 2. Every episode ends with a cliffhanger and you get so stressed about what's going to happen next. It's always interesting to see how the characters will react to something that happens during the episode, such as episode 4. Sometimes you will end up talking to the television (oops I forgot, computer screen) because of the way things go in the episode. All in all the best web series in the world!!
    Fabio Baldan I've been a gamer for a long time and just recently found out about this show from a friend and while I didn't have much faith I ended up enjoying this much more than I expected.For starters the production values are actually really good. Let's not forget that this is a web series that can be seen for free on youtube yet in some areas it feels like it has the same production values as most comedies from big TV corporations. The action scenes in particular are really well made, which isn't surprising considering Freddie Wong is in the production team (people who know his youtube videos should know what to expect). I know a lot of people that are always skeptical about web shows so if you are one of them be assured that this feels like an actual show and not some kids with a camera shooting something in their house. Most of the actors are decent, you won't see any award winning performances here but they seem to be on par with most "sitcoms". The humor is rather unique. Personally I like it but I can see how other people might not. A lot of the jokes rely on the "so bad it's good" formula because of how over the top, stupid or just random they can be, so if you are looking for a comedy where the humor is based on truly clever writing this might not be for you. But as long as you don't take it that seriously it's actually fun (IMO). That's not to say that all jokes are bad, there are constant nods and cameos from the gaming world, some of them really clever which leads me to the biggest reason I enjoy VGH: It feels like it was made from gamers for gamers. Be it some of the gags/jokes, situations, cameos, hints or plot points, you can simply tell this show was made by people that actually enjoy videogames. And that's something that I can really appreciate, specially in a medium where everything gaming (or geeky) related is mostly shown using the most generic of stereotypes (big bang theory would be a good example)
    gordfree117 I want to first point out that i have watched many of Freddie's videos, and he is like my idol. I love learning how he makes his videos and my dream is to be on his team. That being said, and keeping in mind that he is not the sole director/writer of VGHS, I cannot call this a "great" show. It is just barely below the "good" hash mark because of some critical flaws:1) I have a hard time accepting the idea of a culture where video games are so important. Remember how they cut from the news report about the President (of the USA) missing to how Brian D killed Law? I just don't feel like there was enough to establish the reality of such a society. 2) I can understand how Brian D gets a scholarship to VGHS for killing Law, and killing him by accident is a good plot element, but his scholarship is revoked abruptly and in the middle of the semester when Law gets into legal trouble for hacking which had nothing to do with the match that got Brian D his scholarship in the first place. 2a)The aforementioned Law situation leads to two more plot holes: to allow Brian D to stay enrolled, the dean essentially extorts janitorial work from Brian D to pay his way, meanwhile Law is still enrolled at the school, apparently as a deadbeat troll.3) The Brian+Jenny relationship is completely botched and even parasitic from the very beginning, I won't bother explaining.Aside from a few other, minor illogicalities (yes, it IS a word even though IMDb doesn't think so), because the show is a comedy and low-budget, the show is very decent. The visual effects are amazing (given the budget), I don't care what anyone says. I feel like this is a really good idea but it could have been executed better. The creators need to make the events more seamless, real, and logical. Their problem is cutting corners and taking leaps of faith.Also, please keep in mind that if this was produced by a major commercial film company, I would hold it in worse regard than Arrow. Yeah. That bad.