Video Game High School
Video Game High School
TV-14 | 11 May 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    RyothChatty ridiculous rating
    Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
    Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
    Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
    adamconverse This was the best TV show ever you guys need to make a new one
    Bjorn Not your average high school show. The show centers around a school that specializes in video games, but the main focus is the wonderful mishaps that the main characters get up to. Each episode is hilarious and extremely well done, creating a wonderfully bizarre viewing experience!
    georgewhittingham1 So it was late one night, scrolling through Netflix, and I thought,Video Game High School, why not? I like Gaming.Am I watching the same show as everyone else!? I had to give up after 17 minutes of excruciating garbage.Set in the future, (bullies fly off on a tandem bike) we are introduced to this nerdy skinny kid, who is playing a FPS Shoot Em Up with his friends. He somehow luckily defeats this "pro", and automatically is now a student at Video Game High School.Everything was painful. The acting was mediocre and way over exaggerated, I felt like I was watching something made in media studies by 16 year old students. Each character is automatically unlikable, geeks are skinny, bullies are broad, every girl is subjectively attractive? And the lines they delivered!? Cheesy, childish and downright stupid.The parts where they were gaming - similar to counterstrike/cod/battlefield with real people - all enemies are out in the open, each player turns into bytes when shot.It is just so off the mark, the gaming in know way represents games at all.To summarise, making a show about gaming could be great, but think about your main audience, late teens to early twenties, gaming enthusiasts who actually might be interested in a show like this. And make it appeal to them, have characters with a little depth, make the gaming as realistic and potentially gory as possible (Playing a war game with no blood or tactics?) This show feels like it is made for very young children ie: simple plot, dialog etc etc I could rant for hours about how terrible this is... But, maybe give it a chance, see if last longer than 17 minutes.
    mbacon-95459 Loved seasons 1 and 2. They were very entertaining and there is nothing that I've found that quite resembles VGHS. Season 3 was horrible. The writers deviated from the formula too much and seemed to just give up. I would recommend making a 4th season if and only if it mimics the creative and fun construct of seasons 1 and 2.Ten lines of text in order to publish?Really?Seems strange.Maybe this will work.Guess we'll find out.
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