TV-MA | 12 November 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
    Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    Trupiaar I laughed to see the word 'fresh in the top review because I was just about to write it. The writers for this show are terrific and give the characters' backgrounds a very authentic feeling. The mains do a great job filling out their roles. The stories are funny and non-cliched one after the other.10 out of 10 stars for doing a great job with a basic budget.
    ellisgasson Brilliant TV series with amazing humor, a captivating story and increadable actors. My favorite actor by far is Nathan and i was sad when i heard that he was no longer appearing in the series. Atleast he left in a good way.
    original_fuzzball First things first: Watch the first two seasons of this amazingly quirky obnoxious show! I quickly fell in love with the Misfits and could not wait to watch each episode!So why did I give this show a 7? Because you can't rate individual seasons.Seasons 1 & 2 are absolutely amazing! If this show had ended after season 2 I would rate it (overall) right up there with Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones as some of the best TV to come out in a long time. However it did not end, it went on for several more seasons and some of the magic was lost IMO.SPOILER ALERT (minor/semi-big spoiler coming but no names)When we lose one of the original cast at the end of season 2 (note: I'm not saying death or not death, nor *who* is gone just that someone is gone), season 3 loses just a little bit of the magic that the show had in seasons 1 & 2. That said there was still solid chemistry amongst the Misfits, and some great writing for season 3. If the show had ended at the end of season 3, I could have still rated it a very solid 9. Maybe 9.5.SPOILER ALERT (the next spoilers are BIG, still no names)Season 4 kind of falls apart. We lose more of the original cast and It feels like the writers are trying to replace those that have gone with almost the same archetypes and it just doesn't work. The cast of season 4 does not have the chemistry that existed in the first 3 seasons. Further, the one remaining original cast member turns very 1-dimensional,(here comes the big SPOILER I warned about - still no names)so much that when this character dies, I wasn't really that sad. Had this character died in any of the first 3 seasons I would have been screaming at my television begging that it didn't happen. However that was not the case. It was a bit sad, but more sad was that the character had really been turned into more of prop or anchor to try to hold together the new cast. It was a real shame, because I really liked this character, especially the character's growth during season 3.I'm writing this review without having seen the 5th (final) season. I don't know if I will watch it. I've basically forced myself through the 4th season. Had the 4th season been the first season of this show, it would have been cancelled and no one would be writing about it IMHO. Really it's nothing special. I might watch season 5 kind of like the same reason you slow down to gawk at an accident on the road, but I have very very low expectations at this point.That said, don't let my sourness on the later seasons stop you. Watch the first 3 seasons. There is a solid story and you will feel like you saw something worthwhile. After that, you can decide if you want to dip your toe into seasons 4 & 5. Who knows, maybe the cast changes will work for you, then again maybe not.UPDATE: I decided to watch season 5 after all, I just *needed* to see how this show would end. While I still feel Season 4 is a train wreck and the cast does not have the chemistry that existed in the first 3 seasons, I do have to say that season 5 got better. I'll still stick to my overall rating, but I have to admit I was totally busting a gut during the Season 5 final episode!
    Aidener This show has been criticized because most of the cast left before series 4. It's true, it's hard to say goodbye to your favourite characters, but series 5 is just as good as series 1, 2 and 3. I have to admit the first half of series 4 was pretty bad, but you have to keep watching, because the last half of the series is awesome. It's funny, smart, and often dramatic, without coming short on the action front. One of the best shows I've watched in my life.By the way, the acting is incredible. Robert Sheehan, Iwan Rheon and Joe Gilgun are truly amazing.I will never forget this show. It's so original that you end up forgetting about some plot holes or the (let's the honest) crappy visual effects.