Fresh Meat
Fresh Meat
| 21 September 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
    aggarwalmarut I felt that the series kept me cringing for more of the lovable characters and their stories episode after episode.Also what I liked is that it was close to reality with everyone not getting what they deserved in the end, the makers dared to do something different than cliches.
    brootforce Nothing generic about it. It is about a bunch of young people living together, but that's where the similarities with other shows end. Every character is unique. There are no stock characters. One could never say that J.P. is Barney, Howard is Ross, nopes. You can't. A lot of sitcoms use tried-and-tested characters and try to give a fresh perspective on an old formula. This show isn't one of them.The situations are new. The characters are completely original and so are the jokes.A must watch for everyone, especially for sitcom writers who can learn a thing or two about making a show from scratch.
    Mike-DD Maybe it's because I cannot watch this at home (the local broadcasters won't even think about bringing this in as it is in blatant violation of broadcast rules here), but I enjoy this show immensely. University life in the UK is definitely different from what I experienced in Singapore and Australia.I suppose the show isn't supposed to be a general view of undergraduate life in the UK, but this particular group of undergraduates are interesting enough to watch over 3 seasons now.Kingsley and JP are the 2 protagonists of the series. The latter has a seemingly lasseiz-faire attitude to life yet displays an endearing vulnerability at times. Kingsley initially appears to be a homeboy stepping out into the world for the first time, but in time becomes a man of his own.The other characters support the series well enough. There is the studious know-it-all who tries not to look down on everyone (Oregon), the insecure one who occasionally manages to break through the stereotype (Howard), the hippie-wannabe (Vod) and the girlfriend (sorry, that's the way I keep seeing her - Josie).I enjoy following the characters around their simple-on-the-outside-but- complex-on-the-inside lives, the interactions between the housemates, the witty banter, the music and the score. Even the rough language is enjoyable most of the time.Most of the stories are interesting enough, although, as can be expected from any recurring series, there are some dud episodes. But all in all, it still entertains, though I do sometimes wonder if British undergraduates really do behave in this way.
    Paul White Possibly one of the worst programmes that I think channel 4 have ever produced - how did this get on to Netflix?I watched an episode after being recommended it after watching peep show and i can honestly say that this is the first programme I've ever watched where I've had such disregard for all the characters. Literally, after seeing them converse in manically faux cool chatter for twenty minutes you'd just wish the house would go up in flames. I have never seen such a poorly assembled cast of such clichéd and uninteresting stereotypes. Truly cringe worthy. It makes me feel ashamed, deeply ashamed but kind of glad I never went to University. Although it kind of feels like the writer didn't either and is just making a patchwork of funny stories they've heard. Plus Jack Whithall's character is possibly one of the most annoying characters I've ever experienced, no Jack, not funny or ironic, just plain annoying!!!To surmise - POOR!