Citizen Khan
Citizen Khan
| 27 August 2012 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
    Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    Mayur Patil First I thought it would a kind of stereotype communal show but as I started watching it, I started loving it. In season 1, there is not a single episode where ROFL moment is not there for me. If you are bored by stereotype comedies, this one will serve best purpose of it. Go ahead and give it a shot.
    Elliotb-butler18 Citizen Khan is one of the best and brilliant comedies the BBC come up with. Along with not going out and other such BBC comedies Citizen Khan is a brilliant new comedy show. The people who rate this show 1 star are the type of people who have no sense of humour what so ever and hate all comedy shows when everybody else loves them as they are brilliant. I myself are from Birmingham so i love the fact that for once there is a comedy show set in Birmingham as i can relate to it, rather than being set in London (Although they are still brilliant) i can relate myself to this show. I hope there are many series to come of this magnificent comedy gold and i will not miss a second.Brilliant comedy gold.
    Bullwinkle96 I honestly Khan't believe that this show ever aired. You like that joke? Well guess what. It is funnier than anything that you will see in this crappy TV series. I had a challenge. That challenge was to laugh every single time that the fake audience laughed. They laughed at stuff that wasn't even supposed to be funny, and the things that were supposed to be funny they laughed at. The only people that weren't laughing were and are the poor misfortunants that watch this dreadful show. Thank God that there are only 6 episodes. If you think that I am just being mean and that I am joking then I challenge you to watch Citizen Khan. I challenge you to watch 1 full episodes. Thank goodness that I was watching it on live TV. It meant that I take time to recover while the ads were on. I was challenged to watch another episode. Thank God that the TV is broken.I rated this a 1 because there is no option that goes lower.
    lemonandgoatpie Citizen Khan is so awful it angers me so i felt i had to write something; Its so insulting. Even as an Englishman i can understand how people from Muslim countries - who take morality seriously - would be intensely offended by this Bile.From story lines where the slutty teenage daughter dresses up like a prostitute to go clubbing and has to hide it from her parents, to bulk buying lightbulbs to make an irrelevant saving.. Its all just attacking their religion and way of life, and creating division within the families who follow this religion in the UK.It is shameful, truly shameful.I have no idea why such a respected establishment as the BBC appears to be trying to belittle the Muslim faith. But it certainly seems the case.. They knew the show wouldn't be a success which is why they needed a laugh track, so i struggle to think of any other reason they would continue to produce such tosh other than in an attempt to provoke anger in the Middle East, in timing with all the other media attacks recently.It is truly a mind-boggling situation.As an Englishman i am embarrassed by it, and i can only apologise as a member of the public for not doing my part to make it clear to the BBC that this is not acceptable.