The Goodies
The Goodies
| 08 November 1970 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    WakenPayne I Remember When I Was 12 I Discovered This Little UK TV Show, I Decided To Give It A Go, I Loved It And From Then On I Watched The Show As Often As I Could - At That Point It Was My Favorite Show - At The Time I Was Very Into 70's British Comedy Like This Despite Me Not Being Alive To Watch It When It Was Broadcasted.I Thought It Was Pretty Funny But Then Again A Lesser Quantity Made Me Ignore It Until Last Year When For Good Friday The Comedy Channel Aired A Goody Marathon, I Seized The Opportunity To Tape As Many Episodes As I Could.It Isn't Nearly As Good As What I Remember But It Is Still Good. I Watch As Many Episodes As I Feel Like But Over Time It Does Get A Bit Repetitive. As For A Favorite Episode I Would Have To Say "Gender Education" It Is A Hilarious Episode, Especially The Short Film The Goodies Make About Sex Making It As Clean And Censored For All Kids As Possible.Overall I Do Hold Some Personal Favoritism To This Show But It Is A Very Good Show And I Hope You Enjoy It, If You Don't Well Its All Opinion.
    timothyno_1 I have enjoyed the madcapped humour of the Goodies for many years now and are yet to find someone that even comes close to them in originality. Their shows were a laugh a minute and certainly made the 70's well worth being a part of. We would race home from school so we could set ourselves up for our favourite English double - The Goodies and Dr Who. And then we would spend the next day at school discussing both shows in detail. Tim, Graeme and Bill have brought a lot of joy to a lot of people and have in the process influenced many an up and coming British comedian. Who could forget a Giant Kitten, a giant cod, a pirate post office/radio station and stacks of hilarious drag sequences. The brilliant writing was seconded only by the fabulous songs. 'Wild Thing', 'Funky Gibbon' and 'The Inbetweenies' are more than just funny words to music - they are fantastic songs in their own right. The Goodies - a much over looked and unappreciated British 1970's comedy. The Goodies Rule - OK!!!
    Phil Davison The Goodies and Monty Python both came out of the radio programme "I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again". Python was surreal and got well known for it. "The Goodies" was more consistently surreal and obviously missed the boat because of it. Personally I think "The Goodies" was more consistently funny than Python and, for the most part, as surreal (the chase at the end of "Saturday Night Grease" should be enough to confirm that!) or more so. I just wish that they were as popular so that more programmes were available on DVD! The "card" game in "The Bun Fight At The OK Tea Rooms" is enough to make people agree with that!
    oiyou One of the funniest UK comedy shows. The episode "Bunfight at the OK Tearooms" features the best western saloon bar poker game scene ever filmed (using toast for cards and biscuits as chips then pies and cakes and finally a three-tier wedding cake as the stakes got higher). The poker game is played entirely to piano music with no dialogue. The celebrity safari park one was great too. Especially when they released Tony Blackburn back into the wild and someone shot him. The show was derived from the radio show I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again which was also part of Monty Python's ancestry featuring John Cleese in the cast and Eric Idle and Graham Chapman among the writers.