Big Train
Big Train
| 09 November 1998 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
    milicentbrovovich One of the funniest British sketch shows I have ever seen. Vastly misunderstood by a lot of people. In my opinion it's truly hilarious and I've shown it to a lot of my friends, who have absolutely loved it.The 'Jockeys in the Wild' sketch is one of the most hilarious, brilliant sketches I have ever seen, same goes with a lot of Big Train sketches.I can understand why some people just don't 'get it' but what I would suggest is don't watch it expecting too much. Just watch it expecting a funny, British comedy and that is what you will get. I'd say it's something of a 'cult comedy' and with most cult shows or films the people who do love it, really, really love it. And there's a reason for this kind of appreciation, it's because it's marvellous! I'd highly recommend this to anyone who likes the shows Mighty Boosh, any Simon Pegg comedy, Peep Show, Little Britain. A great British treat.
    Killa_Priest ignore the guy who's says this is rubbish- he's a bob monkhouse fan- this isn't the same kind of humour (if you can call bob monkhouse mother in law jokes humour!) so it's no surprise that he doesn't get it....after the fast show this is the best British sketch show- forget the ever cruder and less funnier little Britain, the catch phrase based Catherine Tate, the hopelessly overrated python, the sadly dated harry enfield, the inconsistent smack the pony- this is intelligent yet stupid humour that is completely reliant on it's excellent cast.we need more stuff like this..
    Gavin Salkeld BIG TRAIN (UK, 1998)A brilliant show that, sadly, did not run for very long on British screens. The superb cast, who are able to carry even the most craziest of sketches, do a great job and the writing is spot-on.Some of the sketches, especially those featured in the first series are classic. The sniper farmer, the Bee Gees shootout, the stare-outs, the boss with a phobia of spoons and of course the little boy on the bike. Real laugh-out-loud stuff.Superb, fresh comedy at its most British. Love it!GAV
    drella-2 Unfairly written off as an attempt to replicate the cult hysteria of The Fast Show, Big Train dared to push the boundaries of a genre (the comedy sketch show) which thought it had seen it all. No, not all of it worked, but the same was true of Python, Vic&Bob and all the other groundbreakers. When it did - the manager who distracted his mutinous staff with juggling displays, the Jekyll & Hyde-type scientist, the staring competitions, Mao Tse-Tung as Bryan Ferry, it was painfully, inexplicably funny. Stick with it.