Brass Eye
Brass Eye
| 29 January 1997 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
    Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
    Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    Master Cultist Sharp, searing, witty, vile, nasty, satirical, idiotic, thought-provoking, juvenile, sublime, absurd. Any and all of these labels can be applied to the genius that is Brasseye. Chris Morris co-scripts and presents a viciously satirical attack on the media in the modern world, tackling various subjects - all controversial, but to varying degrees - to get his point across.Several moments have entered the annals of TV folklore, including the infamous 'Cake' sequence (the 'made up' drug from Czechoslovakia), the masturbating Senator, and the Paedogeddon special, a Daily Mail baiting episode which caused a flurry of controversy when first aired, including calls for Channel 4 to be prosecuted for promoting the idea of paedophilia. Talk about people missing the point!Love it or hate it, Brasseye took us to places no other TV show had dared before, luring unsuspecting celebrities to whore themselves with mindless scripts, or to fake support for a charity organisation, just to show how much they 'care'. The finest example of this is the Capitol Radio DJ who describes a charity as "A fabulous organisation", little realising that it doesn't even exist!Never dull, always provocative, a must see for anyone with a mind.
    buxtonqs Brass Eye is honestly one of the funniest things you could ever watch providing: a) you do not read the Daily Mail b) like your jokes with an obvious punchline and canned laughter c) you're American'Alabaster Codefael'The series is broken down to 6 (+ special) shows which, often in a controversial style, lampoons trash media sensationalism (see 'The Sun Says' or 'Tonight with Trevor McDonald') on subjects such as sex, drugs, moral decline and science. 'Ted Maul'Chris Morris is the writer and genius behind the show who crops up in a number of guises with support from the usual suspects. Whereas it's predecessor The Day Today relied on silliness, Brass Eye is very clever with it's surreal take on current affairs.'Brian O'Hanra'hanrahan'Fans of Morris will love the inane expressions and sheer cheek of it all. To hear Phil Collins say 'I'm talking Nonce Sense' or Richard Blackwood to advise parents about potential grooming of their kids if they 'smell of hammers' makes you realise how stupid B list celebrities can be.'Burn it and buy another copy for the music'Watching 'Sutcliffe the Musical' 'Me oh Myra' 'Little White Ass' can be uncomfortable but extremely funny.'I used to have your picture by the toilet. I wanted you to see my naked body and oil it. But my mom came in and spoiled it.Legendary stuff. If you don't believe me check out the complaints it received!
    Ben Jewitt I wish to God that Channel 4, in all their infinite wisdom, would see their way clear to releasing Brasseye on video... Just look at the sales of the Day Today videos well over five years since the series was topical...For anyone unlucky enough to miss the TV airing, I must echo the sentiments of previous commentators in saying how spot-on Morris' parodies were. TV execs now loathe him as much as the celebrities he mocked; being too much of a hot potato, but students and the disaffected love him.PLEASE RELEASE BRASSEYE ON VIDEO!!!! (Maybe we should set up some kind of petition?)
    Ted Maul-2 Chris Morris returned with Brass Eye after a long televisual gap, the first show since The Day Today.It's biting satire caused much offense in the UK, with leading newspapers calling for sketches to be removed, and last minute editing before shows went out. It mocked the British news documentary covering such dangerous issues as Sex, Drugs, Animal Cruelty and Crime.Those who did not understand the depth of the satire (the most complex since Swift perhaps) were often offended, leading to the Indpendant Television Commission investigating. It was found to be acceptable but was told to be careful.The genuis mind behind the whole creation, Chris Morris, perhaps went one stept too far when he put a subliminal message lasting 1/25 of a second into the final episode saying "Grade Is A C**t" refering to the then chief executive of Channel 4 who had ordered the cuts.This programme would never be shown in the US, breaking probably every rule of US broasdcasting with swearing, sexual and violent content, making so -called American satirists look as scary and dangerous as some wet cheese.It remains one of the greatest pieces of television ever created, funny yet disturbing, thought-provoking and ground-breaking.