The Day Today
The Day Today
| 19 January 1994 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    nuclearninja2004 The Day Today was perhaps the best comedy programme ever invented. Chris Morris is the best News Reader ever. The rest of the cast react spectacularly to each other, and the news stories are just brilliant. "Sacked Chimney Sweep pumps boss full of mayonnaise" was just one such headline. Peter O'Hanrahanrahanrahan and Chris Morris are a great comedy pairing, and their battles still make me laugh out loud after hundreds of viewings. I cannot believe it took so long for this to be released on DVD. >From the first headline to the days papers, the show is pure, undiluted comedy. And the "War" episode is hilarious. I don't want to spoil it, but believe me, it is excellent, especially after hearing the news commentary during the recent Gulf War. It is so similar, it is uncanny. And all this from a simple comedy series! Chris Morris, Armando Ianucci, take a bow.
    Ahowlett535 The day today was recently repeated on the British cable/satellite channel UKG2. I didn't manage to see the programme before, but I am a fan of Chris Morris and had been awaiting this repeat for some time. I thought it was brilliant and I think the BBC should have repeated it, as they were the network that originally screened the show. The absurdity of some of the "reports" was fantastic. The ideas of a soap opera being set in a bureau de change or the war correspondent kicking the door down of a house, shooting a woman and setting up broadcasting equipment was so surreal, it made it obviously not a real news report. The closest things to reality were the graphics and Chris Morris' portrayal of the newsreader [the graphics only were if you ignored the voiceovers of stupid phrases and the newsreader only if you ignored the madness of the news stories.]It was excellently written with a near-perfect cast and it even spawned a major character, Alan Partridge [whose segments were not that funny in my opinion.] Going back to previously, most of the acting was realistic, the things the actors were depicting wasn't.
    Theo Robertson I`ve never really understood the fuss about THE DAY TODAY . I know it`s a slick satire but it`s done in such an offbeat avant garde way I doubt if anyone would be taken in by it and that`s what it was trying to do was it not ? Trying to get people to believe it was a REAL current affairs show in the same way as the latter BRASS EYE , so why spoil it with surreal scenes like the man dancing in the background ?The show does have its rare good points like the story of terrorists using " bomb dogs " and I remember many viewers complained about the sale of a video called THIS IS OUR WAR where a track like Tina Turner`s DISCO INFERNO is played over footage of burning Iraqi tanks from the 1991 Gulf war then HANDS UP by Ottawa is played and the footage cuts to a montage of Iraqi troops surrendering with their arms raised then it cuts to weeping Iraqi soldiers as STOP YOUR SOBBING by The Pretenders is used on the sound track . I don`t like to admit it but THIS IS OUR WAR made me laugh but the laughs are few and far between with THE DAY TODAY
    psicic `The Day Today' is a good show, not a great one. Carrying on in many respects from the classic `KYTV', `The Day Today' is basically a satire on tabloid TV news.While maintaining the same high production values and calibre of actor as "KYTV", the show does fall short in a few places. The show distinctly drags in places because rather than developing a character's quirk, the show falls into the trap of creating characters that do and say practically the same thing every episode (I'm thinking specifically of Steve Coogan's character here).There is still a strong British flavour to the comedy here, so many Americans will find themselves lost - perhaps even insulted - by the comedy employed.It's a shame the show wasn't given more time to develop - as I remember it, the last episode was probably one of the funniest.As a fine example of British comedy that wasn't either totally degenerate or else heavily influenced by the shrink-wrapped American sit-coms, `The Day Today' is a good place to start - especially the episode where they cover a war!8)