TV-14 | 05 October 1999 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    AboveDeepBuggy Some things I liked some I did not.
    Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
    Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
    Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
    reneereed-76244 I watched Angel as it first aired in early 00's and loved it immediately. Almost 20 years on and it still remains one of my favourite shows ever.David Boreanaz is brilliant as Angel and his "side-kicks" Cordelia, Wesley, Gunn, Lorne and Fred just make the show complete.Cordelia and Wesley have fantastic character growth in Angel compared to their characters in Buffy and end up entirely different people to who they started off as, but the growth was slow, genuine and believable.There are still a few low points to the series which can't be ignored. Season 4 as a whole wasn't great, especially what was done to Cordelia's character. Connor was annoying for the entire length of season 4 but they redeemed his character in season 5.All in all, an amazing series that you must see if you love sci-fi, vampires, buffy or just looking for something new to watch!
    Jakemcclake Angel as a show did not know what it wanted to be. Most of the plots of Angel were basically Angel vs some evil that he defeats with the help of his friends. In the first season the show kicked off to a terrific start in the first episode, with Angel essentially introducing himself to LA. Then the show went on a gimmick fest, with stories about, what are these people hiding, why is Angel acting so strange, etc etc. By the forth season it became a sad depressing soap opera, with one continuous story. By the fifth season, they brought the gimmicks back with a party show, a dance show, and a puppet show. However, during the fifth season we see the sad death of two major characters in touching scenes.It seamed the show searched for an identity: is it a soap opera? is it a sad story? it is a gimmick fest? what are they doing? what is Angel's purpose, helping the helpless? fighting evil? In the mist of all this, during the gimmick search of the first season, somehow, they smashed a home run, a hundred miles out of the stadium. Bringing the Buffy character evil Faith Lehane, to LA, the writers may have wanted to play with the meaning of the word "bad" in a story called "Five By Five". They came up with a fantastic story, with a great ending, and suddenly the writers appeared to wanted to continue that theme. The Angel show became about "saving souls" and "redemption". Despite using these words often, this theme did not last long and probably would have been a better theme for the show, than where the stories actually went. I have searched the Angel episodes for another like "Five By Five" and could not find it. "Five By Five", overtakes any movie or other story as simply the most powerful dramatic story I have ever seen. Eliza Dushku gives her best and most stunning performance in this episode, and I feel certain this episode is the reason, she was given the lead in two TV series within the first 5 years after Angel ended. I recognize it is not easy to write a terrific story every week. I recognize that people watch the show for other reasons, other than seeing some powerful dramatic story. There are some good inventive stories. There are some surprises. But most of all, the show appeared, to go in many direction, when it could have been so much better going in one direction.
    tacanderson My wife and I had just finished binge watching our latest show and were looking for something different. We're huge Joss Whedon fans and watched Buffy from the first airing until the last, but never really got into Angel. It was on a different night of the week and just never picked it up. But we've been fans of Grimm since it aired and the creator of Grimm, David Greenwalt, was co-creator of Angel with Joss. So we decided to give it a try. Darker than Buffy, and not as much humor, but still plenty of great lines and funny moments. The first season is a little rough. This is 12 years old now, and it shows a little, and they obviously were still working on smaller budgets. It's still great nostalgic fun, and you get to see lots of actors who went on to do other things make guest appearances.
    Taylor Kingston This show is just amazing. I had always been a huge fan of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and to tell you the truth I only watched this show because I heard that Spike, from BTVS, was coming into in Season 5. So I quickly raced out and watched Season 5. But then of course, I had to watch the other four seasons. A little bit of criticism, why did they have to kill off Doyle? Why did you have to make Cordelia end up being evil, then in a coma, and then dead? Why did you leave the show on a cliffhanger? Why??Overall, I love this show, I think it's great, I think it's not as good as Buffy The Vampire Slayer, must most spin-offs aren't as good. I give this TV show an 8 out of 10.