The Mindy Project
The Mindy Project
TV-PG | 25 September 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    PodBill Just what I expected
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    theasian-54906 I'm only halfway through Season 2 and I'm already super annoyed by Mindy's character. She is materialistic, selfish, short-sighted, imaginative, and unconfirmed. She isn't a role model or an anti-hero, just some weirdo in the middle who is content with the sad, man-driven life she lives. Yes, she is an amazing doctor, but besides that she is not showing any sort of growth. Amanda Setton and Anna Camp we're both demoted. I'm most upset about the Camp demotion because she provided a nice contrast to the wild, airy Mindy character. I thought since Kaling and B.J. Novak were Office alums, there would be more smart writing and less cliche rom-com storylines. Let's see a woman that can live without wanting to bang every guy she sees. I will finish the series (painfully) because of my TV OCD, but I won't like it. If my feelings do change, I will update this.
    shadenkh Throughout the show, Mindy is a self-centred bully who is mean to everyone. As a woman of colour who does not have the "perfect body" (according to society), she could have been the perfect role model for young girls and even women who feel like they are not good enough because of their body type or skin colour. Instead, she is a mean-spirited character who is obsessed with finding a man, and keeps referring to herself as thin, although it is clear that she is not, making women feel like they need to be skinny to be beautiful and achieve greatness. in addition to that, Mindy is a horrible person who treats her peers in a rude and obnoxious manner; she always insults them, Morgan in particular, and does not care for their feelings. I have watched all of the episodes in hope that her character will change, but it did not happen. Another issue that I have with this show is Danny's character. He is a stubborn, misogynist, and primitive guy who always thinks he is right. Making Mindy become a housewife without even consulting her and asking for her opinion on the matter is just absurd. Saying that she cares more about her career than having a family was a huge slap in the face for every mother who has a child/children and is still working and building a career for herself. This show could have been amazing, teaching the upcoming generation how treat, and be treated well. Instead, all it did was tell girls that they need a husband to be happy, that they can't be both mothers and career-women, and taught boys that it is okay to degrade women.
    zachary-elliston complete garbage, unless you're a post-menopausal woman. It's shows like this and sex and the city that remind me that the human race deserves extinction. If you enjoy this, then please: take a look at yourself, your life, and reevaluate everything. Because this is an example of the American populace being dumbed down. But then again, this is a day and age where shows like Jersey Shore, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Desperate Housewives, the Bachelor, Rob, and a plethora of garbage is anally juiced out by Hollywood in an attempt to make a quick buck. Hulu has a repertoire of creating extremely crappy shows, but this one takes the cake. We all have our guilty pleasures, but enjoying this show is akin to enjoying slurping homeless diarrhea blended with broken glass and poured into an unwashed sock. The Mindy Project is the worst show in existence since... well... the Jersey Shore. I watched a majority of season 1 trying to give this show a chance, but my god -- I can't take any more.
    monica-73379 I find the mindy project to be one of the funniest shows I have ever watched and I watch many many shows. I find it to be glamorous like sex and the city but mindy kaling is soo soo soooooooooo funny. She really does address a woman's dating life but she pokes fun at herself through the whole show. She talks about her culture and her body in the funniest way and yet she is sexy flirty fun and has a colorful style !!! She is a successful Doctor going through all the dating stuff as women do but it's the funniest. The characters including all the staff at her doctors office are also extremely funny and played so well. Danny is awesome! This show puts a smile on my face and makes me burst out laughing. I truly hope it never gets cancelled cuz I look forward to it daily!!!!!! We needed a show like this that combines culture the dating world and real issues women deal with with the funniest twist ever!!