The Wall
The Wall
TV-PG | 19 December 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    NipPierce Wow, this is a REALLY bad movie!
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    DubyaHan The movie is wildly uneven but lively and timely - in its own surreal way
    Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
    rcoulter-31439 At the time I wrote this, there were 6 other reviews and I read them all. My favorite was by "atlasmb". I must admit, the concept for this game is intriguing -- you get money in your "game bank", you answer crappy trivia questions to hope to get more in your bank, but if you miss the answer, you have an equal chance of losing money in your bank. Then at the end of the round you have to perform an act where you can only lose money. Each time the odds of gaining or losing money are 50/50. So it's basically a demented PLINKO ripoff. The Price is Right might have a lawsuit (snicker).Now here's the part that bugs me -- there are several phases of the game where drama is intentionally built. I'm not talking extemporaneous drama (like people just saying what's on their minds), NO, I mean scripted drama, like on your basic crappy reality show. It's all too-well rehearsed, and no amount of editing can hide that. I gave this show a 5/10 because I don't even know if this show is "real". And we'll never know...everyone involved has (no doubt) signed legal documents that if they come forward they get their pants sued off.So welcome to the new world of reality game shows, where actors replace contestants, and life just gets more disappointing. Nice try producers, just make more Hell's least Gordon makes me laugh.
    RhyminFlo The wall goes from 7 at top to 14 at bottom that's 1/14 shot even with ten chances for millions round. Way too much talking dragging out of show. At start states 1or 7 represents the most chances of getting the highest figures which are at 2 and 13 at bottom right and left. So then balls were placed firstly on those two sides magically the two balls end up in the middle somewhere at bottom 7-8. By that stage it's too late to take it back and the couple has to adjust to the misinformation. This is the tactics the host plays. Double up / triple up prior says potentially chance to land on 2/3 millions. Both times double up sure enough the balls don't land on same figures as insinuated. Free green balls at start add up 50k however the red balls add up to millions at end. The contract tricks the guy to go for the safe option of roughly 1/10 of the wall. That's if the wall hasn't already been down to zero when somebody risks it all only to go home with nothing. Impossible odds you'd get better odds on roulette or horses. Difficult game to understand at first with different rounds and balls and wall size amounts.
    bsmith441 It is great to see game shows make somewhat of a comeback. After putting up with over a decade of reality shows, it is nice to see something that is quick paced and fun, and the people on the show actually have morals.The Wall is a game that does require some skill in answering questions because some of the questions are challenging to say the least. Chris Hardwick comes across as a nice guy who really wants the contestants to do well.The game itself is kind of interesting because the dropping of the game balls turns it into a game of chance more than anything. That being said, it is fun to watch and there are several opportunities to make big money. My entire household enjoys this show.
    aeasmmikey Holy moly, this is painful. Kind of reminds me of that weird game show hosted by Ryan Seacrest a couple of years ago where people were kept underground in NYC...and then they were brought up to compete, then taken back down...they actually lived in this bunker... Oh, Lord, that was weird.This compares. When somebody watches a good trivia show, they truly do not care about the contestant...except to feel superior to them when they get stuff wrong. This is a show that involves a couple, and then they separate the couple, and the couple professes their undying love for each other, and every question involves one or both telling a very boring, long story about why they are answering this way....interspersed is "I love you!" "I love you, too!" and speeches about their kids, and their hardships...and this is AN HOUR. With one set of contestants. And then there are green and red balls, and then a rip-off of Plinko, and then some weird twist at the end when one half of the pair has to either accept a contract or tear it up..I am not making any of this up. I wish I was.