The Mighty Boosh
The Mighty Boosh
| 18 May 2004 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
    Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
    Wordiezett So much average
    Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
    Simon Rodgers Okay, I have seen a couple of episodes of this programme and I saw a load of people dressed weirdly, talking about strange things and coming up with a few good lines but appearing to fall flat. All the recipes of a really rubbish show. However this show is not rubbish at all! I wouldn't exactly class it as a comedy though because I personally don't find it a laugh a minute like some people might, although there are some good bits in there.It really is hard to explain but despite the strange plot lines it is good to watch all the way through. There is the odd bit of language or innuendo, but this is quite commonplace where modern sitcoms are concerned.This is the sort of programme that you will like, but you won't know why.
    Xanthe Young I completely sympathise with those who view this as totally over-hyped as I've experienced first hand the effect it has on some rather deranged fans in the form of two former friends of mine who spent about a month speaking entirely in sentences with either the meaning 'I love Vince' or 'Xanthe looks like Naboo'. This by now has become a very old joke. I do look like Naboo, I've never once argued this point but do people really need to remind me every couple of days? As a result I've held a grudge for a long time without ever actually watching the series and giving it a fair chance, then about a month ago I finally got fed up of not really knowing what people were comparing me too (much like when people called me 'the girl from the ring') and watched all three series over a couple of days. I'm so glad I did because the feeling of loathing turning to love is so warm and lovely. Almost as warm and lovely as the show itself.I can't really tell you what its about or why you should watch it because it can't really be explained. But I promise you it's one of the least cynical and good natured and funny besides programmes i have ever come across. Each episode it an experience you want to live out over and over again.I hate the term 'random' applied to anything other than computer programmes which are designed to make genuinely random decisions so i totally reject the idea that anything about this show is random because it isn't, it's not weirdness for the sake of weirdness either, it has it's own beautiful logic if your prepared to go looking for it. It doesn't mind whether you like it or not either.I think each individual gets something different out of it when they watch it so even reviewing it seems a little pointless. You're going to have to decide for yourself on this one, because the words of any one person don't really do it justice.What i got out of it was a kind of inner peace not least of all because now when someone shouts 'Naboo' at me I can say 'I'm going to have to turn my back on you'.
    Richard Mason It's amazing not just because it's comedy that isn't going to try and create in depth relationships within the show and rely on them to boost audience numbers it's just the sheer commitment the guys have to the show: to make up the krimps, write the whole script, write all the songs from scratch and do magnificent tours is something you don't see with any other comedy show or duo.The fact that they have not changed the show's style to suit tastes is another reason I have had to buy the dvds again because they just don't work anymore due to me watching them so much.I love this show and I know I'm not alone.
    Barbaric_Martyr This wonderfully strange series revolves around two friends, Howard Moon (Julian Barratt) and Vince Noir (Noel Fielding) and their hilarious adventures mixed with catchy music. Series One is set in 'ZOONIVERSE', a crazy zoo with even crazier employees. Series Two is based at 'the flat' where Vince and Howard live with Naboo and Bollo, in this series they travel to many different places. Series Three is centered on the 'Nabootique', Naboos store full of strange objects and even stranger customers.HOWARD MOON: A jazz maverick, has a simple truth to him and doesn't keep up with the latest trends. Likes to think of himself as a man with many talents, including writing, photography and acting. His hero is Tommy... though Tommy has gone a bit wrong.VINCE NOIR: Often mistaken for Howards wife. His life revolves around his hair (and clothes). Has wrote some short stories called 'Charlie'. Doesn't follow trends, he sets them. Easily distracted and the least intelligent of the two.NABOO: A shamen. Is best friends with Bollo. Always helps Vince and Howard out of sticky situations. Loves a bong. BOLLO: A gorilla and Naboos' familiar. Is a DJ and drums. Has no interest in Howard but fond of Vince who he refers to as a 'precious flower'.BOB FOSSIL: One of the most legendary characters of the series. Is seen in a blue shirt and trousers, two sizes too small. It would be fair to say he is not the sharpest tool in the shed. Appears in every series.Other characters to look out for: Old Gregg, Crack Fox, The Ape Of Death, Tommy, Harrison, Saboo and many, many more!!"CHARMING, AUDACIOUS AND GENUINELY INNOVATIVE" - the times.