TV-MA | 19 January 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
    Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
    ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
    Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    annmarin123 I wasn't supposed to love this show.. but I did.I binged on Season 1 and 2, happily and enthusiastically!The actors are just incredible, it is so freaking funny and refreshing. I fell in love with both Sharon and Rob pretty quickly. It smart, hilarious and on-point for my general age group (ok, they are quite a bit younger, but still I can relate) regarding relationships and entanglements unique to modern times. They don't sugar coat anything, its like what a Rom-Com would be if it were Real.I watched Season 3, and I have to say, I still loved it but it wasn't my favorite. They are starting to throw some political PC stuff in and I really Don't Like It. Just please, please, please leave it alone. Its a great show- don't ruin it! You don't need to pander to the SJW crowd- they are probably not watching anyway! There are so few shows anymore that just leave it alone, this one and Portlandia come to mind. Let's all just get along and play nice, we don't need to be reassured you're in the popular crowd, OK?My favorite character is the guy who plays Chris. He is a gem. Oh and Sharon's brother- just hilarious! They are all hysterically funny.Can't wait to see what S. 4 has in store. That is all.
    hello-07474 Instead of listing all the reasons why this show is so brilliant, I need to address the people that gave it a low score.I know the American guy wrote this series, but it is written in tune with the characters you will meet in the UK.The only people that gave this series a low score were from American cities. NOW wait... I do know that a lot of Americans scored this show highly, however, the only ones that didn't understand or like it were also from the USA.Now, without being negative or discriminatory, I have to say that this show has a LOT of UK based characterization and cultural references that are so subtle yet prevalent throughout the whole series.You don't have to be from or have lived in the UK to love this show, however, it really helps. The 'annoying' or 'depressing' or 'rude' characters that some people were complaining about are actually very accurate if not slightly exaggerated for comedic reasons. To address some of the comments on the jokes not being funny, well, they are not so much 'jokes' rather than witty responses to cultural observations. Wit plays a huge part in the structure of comedy of the UK. It IS different to the USA in that respect. I am not saying American comedy is not witty, I am saying that in the UK it is a base structure and not so much a additive like it is in USA comedies. Neither is better than the other.Just like Costanza in Seinfeld who demonstrates the highly anxious, elaborate and morally confused New Yorker, Catastrophe highlights the stereotypes of the UK in just as an elaborate way. Comedy in the UK is based around financial struggle, family problems, outlining how miserable and depressed one can get very quickly with the sharp turn of ill-fortune as well as keeping their chin up and making the most of it all by cutting someone else down for instant gratification. The wit is expressed by self deprecation and dark comedy as an observation and reaction to these dire circumstances. Comedy in the USA has a lot of different traits and I love them both. USA comedies are more often than not set in mid to high level income groups that either live in conveniently rent controlled penthouse apartments or 6 bedroom, 3 storey houses in affluent suburbs. UK comedies are usually set in low income groups where the character's lives are threatened by poverty or being perpetually ordinary.These reasons are why some people may not quite like or get the comedic flow and brilliance of this show.I do love comedies from both the UK and USA and there is no competition between them. If you don't like Catastrophe then you either simply don't like it or you don't understand the subtleties of the UK culture. THAT is NOT a bad thing, I am just saying that it happens, just like I would not understand the subtleties of Indian comedy or German comedy. They might not understand USA comedy either, it's more of a cultural gap than an intelligence thing so do not think I am putting anyone down. Thanks.
    Eric Rice Catastrophe may be the best written show in several years. All six episodes in the first season crackle with the best of England's dry humor and America's unflappable confidence in the face of impending disaster. As a topper, Chris Bonner has what is probably the most outrageously funny line in many years toward the end of the first episode. You'll probably have to rewind a couple of times to get it all, but it's really worth it. Kudos to Susan Horgan and Rob Delaney for not only writing it, but making such a compelling couple. Their fights are bare knuckle verbal brawls and the inevitable makeups tender but believable. I can't wait for the next batch of episodes. If season two is as good as one, this series is headed for my all-time favorites sitcoms list with Taxi, WKRP in Cinncinati, and The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin!
    Paul Evans Travelling in the UK American businessman Rob meets attractive Sharon, a teacher in her late thirties. The pair have an instant attraction and hit it off, it's more then a one night stand, but when Rob returns to the USA the pair think they can draw a line under their encounter. However weeks later Sharon rings Rob to tell he she's pregnant. He returns to be with her for the pregnancy, they encounter highs and lows until the big day.Sharon Horgan is so funny as Sharon, she's a foxy woman with great comedy timing, she gets some wonderfully sarcastic lines. Rob Delaney is also great as Rob (I love how they both keep their own Christian names,) Mr nice guy and American beefcake. They combine so well.Sometimes you can't help but laugh when you know you probably shouldn't be, but it truly is outrageously funny.Of Series 1, Parts 1 and 6 I'd say are the best of the episodes, so cool that it got a second series.Channel 4 comedies keep on delivering! 9/10
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