TV-14 | 13 June 2016 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Blucher One of the worst movies I've ever seen
    Dotbankey A lot of fun.
    Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
    Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
    Michelle-654-554040 Just a note that I'm not a slave, so I don't believe in politics & the worshiping of corrupt gov't.I happen to have loved "The Good Wife," so I thought this was would be a great show as the King's produced both shows.Unfortunately the show wasn't all that great in the end & they even used some of the same music found in "The Good Wife." LOLIt seems EVERYONE who gave it a high rating ONLY saw the pilot. I watched all of the episodes. Why ANYONE would rate something after seeing only one episode is beyond me.First, I don't like stupid humor or horror, so the whole grotesque parts of the show made me turn my head, plus it was just stupid.I get that they were saying that humans on both sides of the political spectrum are braindead (and they are), but towards the end they actually swayed from that point & focused more on the romance.They touched very briefly on how corrupt mainstream media & the gov't is, & how they get away with doing terrible things because everything is hidden from the public. I wish they would have focused more on that truth & all the false flags that are played out to make people afraid, but I got the feeling they don't actually know a lot about the dirty dealings the gov't actually does, or they were told by legal that they can only go so far.I think there was supposed to be 4-5 seasons, but it got canceled after 1.Whether that's because the EVIL CORPS that run hollywood & the gov't didn't like the truth in it, or the show just wasn't good enough, I won't ever know.
    tcalder87 The main problem with this show is that it doesn't know whether to take itself seriously or not, therefore we don't know whether to take it seriously or not - so it doesn't quite work as comedy OR drama. Quite enjoyable despite that and Mary Elizabeth Winstead is growing into a fine actor.
    ReviewName It's not "best TV ever," but it is a light-hearted poked at how ridiculous our politics are today. The reviews that claim it only bashes one side or the other must not be paying attention, because they are hitting both. Either way, it is just a nice light entertainment piece. It won't change your life, and you do need to not take yourself so serious in order to enjoy it.
    ulric99 I don't know a lot about the political structure of the U.S.A. so I can honestly say that I don't see this show as a Republicans vs. Democrats (or vice-versa) bashing.There was someone who said it was all pro Democrats because you see Clinton; Sanders and Obama on TV. But there was also Donald Trump so I don't think there's any obvious bias there (or maybe there is - like I said, I don't know your political structure).Anyway, what I am seeing is a very cleverly written script with some interesting concepts."Space-ants" come to Earth and inhabit the brains of people (both politicians and non-politicians). They change the way people interact and it looks like they are set to take over the Earth as the dominant species. Some of the people who are not infected are trying to work out a way to save the Earth from the hostile take-over.At this stage, I'm only half-way through the first season and I can only hope that it either gets tied up with a very good conclusion or, goes on for a second season.It's funny; clever; fresh and, I think it's worth watching.