TV-PG | 02 October 2000 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
    Micitype Pretty Good
    Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
    Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
    modderkakor The problem with all of these negative reviews is that they're taking this TV show seriously.... It's not! It's a comedy! And one of the funniest comedies that isn't a "sitcom" style "set-em-up and knock-em-down" style jokes, but rather pokes fun at all of the sci-fi tropes throughout the past half-century. Every line was specifically written to be a parody of the shows that take themselves seriously. This show, however, does not take itself seriously, and it can be obvious at times, whereas other times it does a better job at pretending to be serious.While the funniest episodes were from Season 1 and 2, 3 was still pretty funny! Season 4 and 5 tapered off and it started to seem like maybe they were hiring writers that thought it was supposed to be a serious show.So, to everyone that has left negative reviews, CHILL OUT! Sit back, and watch the show without the self-serving smirk and hand in your pants, instead enjoy it as what it is -- a clever parody of sci-fi tropes (many of them perpetuated or even started by Roddenberry's own Star Trek).
    lois-lane33 I thought I would watch this show due to the wife of Gene Roddenberry being part of the production team and the fact the show had apparently been one of Gene Roddenberry's unrealized projects during his lifetime. I read the synopsis before watching it and I found it a bit far fetched. I think the show works from the perspective of it being basically Star Trek in the year 4000 AD-but not 10,000 years into the future. For some fairly simple reasons-language has changed so much since the time of Shakespeare you could only imagine how unrecognizable language would be in 5000 years-never mind in 10,000 years. I watched the last season-or most of it-including the shows 100th episode-and it wasn't very hard to follow-maybe because I was watching it on DVD so I could see it without commercials which tend to ruin most good TV shows. I liked the acting although I found the lead maybe a bit dry. It was like watching a Star Trek show where Gene Roddenberry had indulged his fantasy of the future being a swashbuckling situation mores than in the original Star Trek show-where it was only a bit of a swashbuckling situation.The science was creative and the show was well paced-maybe with a bit too much in the way of bar fights though. I think its watchable-but maybe not quite genius.
    david-andrea I found the whole story line good, there was a theme running through the whole story, with side stories going on around the main thought. Watching this series back to back with no interruptions or ad's it was easy to follow the story through out.I found the end a bit disappointing, just walking/running off the bridge and the lights turning off was a bit anti climatic. I personally would like to see Dylan fulfill his role more as a Paradime, and see the Commonwealth being established, and struggles related to this, bringing the Netchizans together, maybe even a struggle between this empire with Commonwealth.I found the CGI great for its time, especially after watching other series that came out around this time as well for the TV, the costumes I loved, great look.I loved Kevin in his role as Dylan, he seemed to fit into this role well, had a good sense of humour but strong, after researching Kevin as a person I can see some of his character coming out into the character of Dylan, I find these actors good because they make the role their own, example Richard Dean Anderson and his character Jack O'Neil,the humour and love for the Simpsons.Kevin pulled his character off well, and having strong backing characters on his crew and the actors pulling this off pulled many of the stories together.I would have loved to be on set for the filming of this, I can see there would have been many laughs. I would love to get hold of a model of the actual Andromeda ship, finding anything from this show is proving to be hard.I hope that one day a movie is made to just finish up the season and develop the main characters and have a better ending.
    David Werwolf (Primus_Gladius) Let me be brief - - - I am just going through the series ( I am at work, as the rest of the people are at home now through the holidays, and somebody has to watch the skies ) - - - So I got the time to watch Andromeda - - - - After a great concept, the makers of the series completely lost the silver lining by season 3, some parts have absolutely no logic, story-lines are full of holes - - - Captain Hunt became enormously boring, Harper annoying as hell with his yapping, Beca Valentine stays average - - - and the Nitchien characters are unexploited, Trance as interesting as she was, pales completely, it has no logic, characters are not "woven" well together - - - The only one that actually stands out, was Rommy / Andromeda ( Lexa Doing, has talent, I hope her career will flourish ).The potential for adventure in rebuilding a Commonwealth was great - - - The main threat was - - - - Strange, and boring, and the hidden element of the Commonwealth, well it also had potential, but they simply didn't use it - - - - Sometimes in watching some of the series, or movies with potential, in execution they fail completely. I wonder who approves crap they make, as if people that should be professionals in their work, and have lots of imagination, come out completely talentless ( Speaking of writers, and directors ) - - - - Good script, can work wonders - - - Actors often simply have to work with what they get, so I don't blame the actors for the crap that Andromeda became - - - I am now on the season 5 - - - It feels like pulling teeth with out any pain killers - - - total utter CRAP